Poems have an unmatched ability to capture the human experience, its complexities and vulnerabilities. “Poems about domestic violence” shine a light on this harrowing reality, offering poignant reflections through verse. These poems capture the raw emotions of survivors, witnesses, and those affected by this insidious abuse. They delve into the darkest corners of human behavior, exposing the devastating impact of violence within intimate relationships. Through rhythm and rhyme, these poems paint a tapestry of experiences, showcasing the resilience and vulnerability that exists within individuals and communities affected by domestic violence.

Powerful – 32 poems about domestic violence

Shadows in the Night

Fear creeps in like a thief in the night
Stealing peace, leaving scars so bright
The darkness whispers, it’s all your fault
A mantra echoing, a heart that’s halt

Broken Mirrors

A shattered reflection stares back at me
A web of cracks, a soul that’s lost its sea
The pieces of me lie on the floor
A mosaic of pain, forever more

Silent Screams

I scream into the pillow, a muffled cry
A sound that’s swallowed, as tears dry in the eye
The silence is loud, a heavy weight
A burden carried, in an endless wait

Tangled Webs

In the snare of your words, I’m trapped and bound
A prisoner of fear, in a toxic ground
The threads of love are twisted and worn
A delicate dance, between love and scorn

Frozen Tears

Tears fall like snowflakes, gentle and cold
A winter of sorrow, a heart that’s old
The frost of fear, a love that’s unkind
A frozen lake, where love is left behind

Ashes Remain

The embers of love, a dying fire
A flame that flickered, with hearts that tired
The ashes remain, a memory of pain
A reminder of love, that went in vain

Invisible Chains

Invisible chains, that bind me tight
A prison of fear, where love’s not in sight
The weight of your words, a heavy load
A heart that’s captive, in a toxic abode

Hidden Bruises

Bruises that hide, beneath the skin so fair
A secret kept, a story left untold and rare
The pain concealed, a heart that’s torn
A soul that’s fragile, a love that’s forlorn

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In the darkest corners of my mind, I find
The echoes of his laughter, the sting of his kind
The words that cut like knives, the tears that I’ve cried
The memories that haunt me, the love that’s died

Falling Apart

I was once whole, a piece of a puzzle complete
But he took his toll, and I began to retreat
Fraction by fraction, I crumbled away
Until I was nothing, just a shattered gray

The Mask I Wear

Behind this smile, behind these eyes
I’m hiding the pain, the tears, the lies
I wear the mask of happiness and ease
But beneath the surface, a storm releases


The silence is deafening, a heavy weight
A burden I bear, a constant fate
I’m trapped in this darkness, alone and afraid
Longing for escape, a way to be free from this shade


He bound me with chains, with words so sweet
Promises of love, of forever to meet
But like iron links, they dug deep and stayed
Until I was trapped, with no way to play


I’m forgotten, lost in a sea of faces
A nameless soul, without a single place
Where I can call my own, where love can be mine
Just a shadow of the person I used to be in time


In this small space, I’m contained and trapped
A bird that longs to fly, with wings that are mapped
But the bars are strong, the doors are locked
And I’m left to soar on memories, my heart forlorn and broken

The Lie

He told me I was beautiful, I was enough
But the words were hollow, the love was rough
He used me and discarded, like a broken toy
And I’m left to pick up the pieces, to mend the boy


I learned to breathe again, to find my pace
To let the air fill my lungs, to take up space
I learned to be gentle, to be kind and slow
To let my heart heal, to let my soul grow


He whispers sweet nothings, in the dead of night
Promises of forever, of a love so bright
But I see the truth, behind his calculated lies
And I’m left to face the darkness, with tears that won’t dry

The Silenced Cry

Behind closed doors, a million screams
Echo through the empty rooms
Echoes of a life unseen
A life of fear, of constant gloom
The sound of hands that shake but never tremble
The sound of hearts that break but never falter
The silent cry that screams “Help me” in the dead of night
The echo of a voice that can’t be heard, the light that’s left

The pain that’s internal, the scars that are deep
The wounds that are opening, the tears that won’t stop
The weight of the world that’s crushing down
The burden that’s too much, the weight that’s too profound
The desperation that’s growing, the fear that’s taking hold
The thought of being trapped, the dream of being free
The hopeless feeling of being lost, the desperate plea
For someone to hear, for someone to see

Shattered Dreams

A home once filled with love and laughter,
Now echoes with sorrow and fear.
Behind closed doors, a hidden secret,
Domestic violence, lingering near.

A dream shattered, a spirit broken,
A soul that was once bright and free,
Now trapped in a cage of terror,
With no place left to flee.

Whispers in the Night

The moon casts shadows on the floor,
As hushed whispers fill the air.
Fearful pleas for mercy,
Barely audible, a prayer.

The silence is deafening,
A chilling echo in the night,
Of a love that’s twisted and warped,
Lost in an endless fight.

Fading Bruises

Purple and blue hues paint her skin,
A canvas of pain and regret.
Fading bruises tell a story,
Of a love that’s hard to forget.

A broken nose, a swollen eye,
Invisible wounds that never heal,
A heart that’s been shattered, slowly mending,
Beneath the surface, she hides how she feels.

Silent Cries

Tears stream down her cheeks in silence,
As she prays for a way out.
Her cries for help go unheard,
Lost in the shadows of doubt.

Domestic violence steals her voice,
Leaves her trembling in despair,
Trapped in a cycle of abuse,
Wishing someone would care.

Hollow Eyes

Hollow eyes hold a haunted gaze,
A soul lost in a world of fear.
Domestic violence has left its mark,
On a face that once was cheer.

The life has been drained from her spirit,
Replaced by a deep-seated dread.
A heart that once was full of love,
Now lies broken, lifeless, and dead.

Walls of Secrets

The house stands tall with walls of secrets,
Hidden behind a picture-perfect facade.
A home turned battleground of abuse,
Where violence has left its scars.

Domestic violence lurks in the shadows,
Festering like a hidden disease.
A poison that seeps into the heart,
Of a family living in fear and unease.

Invisible Scars

Invisible scars hidden from view,
Marring a soul that was once pure.
Domestic violence has left its mark,
On a heart that was once whole, now it’s unsure.

The cries for help go unheard,
Lost in the chaos of the fight.
A spirit that once soared high,
Now walks in the shadows of the night.

Locked Doors

Locked doors hide a secret prison,
Behind which lies a soul in pain.
Domestic violence reigns supreme,
Leaving no room for love or gain.

The cries for help fall on deaf ears,
As she hides her wounds and fears.
A life spent locked away in fear,
A future clouded by tears.

Crumbling Foundations

A home that once stood tall and proud,
Now lies broken, its foundations crumbling.
Domestic violence has torn it down,
Leaving only destruction and rumbling.

The love that once filled the halls,
Now replaced by fear and sorrow.
A family torn apart by abuse,
In a home that has no tomorrow.

Echoes of Fear

The echoes of fear linger in the air,
A palpable presence that can’t be ignored.
Domestic violence has staked its claim,
On a heart that once knew love and more.

A soul that once glowed bright and warm,
Now lies hidden in shadows and despair.
Aprisoner of love that has turned cruel,
Unsure of who to trust or care.

Best Popular Poems About Domestic Violence

“Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou

This powerful poem is a testament to the resilience of survivors of domestic violence. Angelou’s words are a declaration of defiance and strength, as she rises above the pain and cruelty inflicted upon her. The poem is a beacon of hope for those who have been silenced, and a call to action for those who must speak out against the horrors of domestic violence.

“The Woman Hanging from the Thirteenth Floor Window” by Joy Harjo

This haunting poem tells the story of a woman on the brink of despair, hanging from a window ledge. The poem explores the desperation and isolation that can come with being trapped in a cycle of abuse. Harjo’s vivid imagery and evocative language create a sense of urgency, highlighting the need for change and the importance of speaking out against domestic violence.

“Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy

This iconic poem is a scathing critique of societal expectations and the pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards. The poem tells the story of a young girl growing up, only to be worn down by the constant criticisms and judgments of others. Piercy’s words are a powerful exploration of the ways in which domestic violence can be perpetuated through the objectification of women.

“Auschwitz” by Louise Glück

This poignant poem is a powerful exploration of the aftermath of trauma. Glück’s words are a haunting meditation on the ways in which the past can haunt us, and the importance of speaking out against the horrors of domestic violence. The poem is a testament to the resilience of survivors, and a call to action for those who must work to prevent such atrocities from happening again.

“Family Secrets” by Patricia Smith

This powerful poem is a exploration of the ways in which domestic violence can be hidden behind closed doors. Smith’s words are a vivid portrayal of the shame and silence that can surround abuse, and the importance of breaking free from these secrets. The poem is a testament to the strength of survivors, and a call to action for those who must speak out against domestic violence.

“Curse” by Toi Derricotte

This haunting poem tells the story of a woman cursed by the violence of her past. Derricotte’s words are a powerful exploration of the ways in which trauma can linger, long after the abuse has stopped. The poem is a testament to the resilience of survivors, and a call to action for those who must work to break the cycle of violence.

“Abecedarian Requiring Further Examination of Anglikan Seraphism” by Evie Shockley

This innovative poem is a powerful exploration of the ways in which language can be used to silence and oppress. Shockley’s words are a call to action, urging the reader to examine the ways in which domestic violence is perpetuated through language and societal norms. The poem is a testament to the power of language to shape our understanding of the world, and the importance of using it to speak out against injustice.

“If I Should Die Before I Wake” by Andrea Potos

This poignant poem is a powerful exploration of the ways in which domestic violence can be a constant threat, lurking in the shadows. Potos’ words are a vivid portrayal of the fear and anxiety that can come with living in a state of uncertainty. The poem is a testament to the resilience of survivors, and a call to action for those who must work to create a safer world.

“survivor” by Denice Frohman

This powerful poem is a celebration of the strength and resilience of survivors of domestic violence. Frohman’s words are a testament to the power of the human spirit, and the importance of speaking out against injustice. The poem is a call to action, urging the reader to join in the fight against domestic violence.

“The Breakaway” by Adrienne Rich

This iconic poem is a powerful exploration of the ways in which women can be trapped in cycles of abuse. Rich’s words are a vivid portrayal of the ways in which societal expectations can perpetuate domestic violence, and the importance of speaking out against these norms. The poem is a call to action, urging the reader to join in the fight for change.

The Power of Poetry: Addressing Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pervasive and devastating issue that affects individuals and communities worldwide. While there are many ways to address and combat domestic violence, poetry has emerged as a unique and impactful medium for exploring the complexities of this issue. Poems about domestic violence can provide a powerful platform for survivors to share their stories, promote awareness, and inspire action.

The Role of Poetry in Healing and Empowerment

Poetry can be a powerful tool for healing and empowerment for survivors of domestic violence. By giving voice to their experiences, survivors can begin to process their emotions, regain a sense of control, and reclaim their narrative. Poetry can also provide a sense of community and validation for survivors, as they connect with others who have had similar experiences.

Moreover, poetry can be a form of resistance and empowerment for survivors. Through their words, survivors can assert their agency, challenge harmful societal norms, and advocate for change. Poetry can be a means of reclaiming power and identity, and of breaking the silence and stigma surrounding domestic violence.

Exploring the Complexities of Domestic Violence through Poetry

Poetry can provide a nuanced and complex exploration of the issue of domestic violence. Poems can capture the range of emotions and experiences associated with domestic violence, from fear and shame to anger and resilience. They can also shed light on the systemic and cultural factors that contribute to domestic violence, such as patriarchy, power imbalances, and toxic masculinity.

Furthermore, poetry can challenge stereotypes and assumptions about domestic violence. Poems can reveal the insidious and nuanced nature of domestic violence, highlighting the ways in which it can be psychological, emotional, and financial as well as physical. They can also explore the impact of domestic violence on children, families, and communities.

Using Poetry to Promote Awareness and Advocacy

Poems about domestic violence can be a powerful tool for promoting awareness and advocacy. Poetry can reach people on a deep and emotional level, inspiring empathy, understanding, and action. Poems can be shared in a variety of settings, from classrooms and community centers to social media and poetry slams.

Poetry can also be a means of advocacy, as survivors and allies use their words to demand change and hold perpetrators accountable. Poems can challenge societal norms and structures that enable and perpetuate domestic violence, and can call for policies and practices that support survivors and prevent violence.

The Importance of Inclusive and Representative Poetry

It is important that poems about domestic violence are inclusive and representative of the diverse experiences and identities of survivors. Poetry should reflect the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, class, ability, and other factors that shape survivors’ experiences of domestic violence.

Moreover, poetry should amplify the voices of marginalized and underrepresented survivors, including those who are LGBTQ+, Indigenous, immigrants, and people of color. Poetry should challenge and subvert dominant narratives and power structures, and should center the experiences and perspectives of those who are most affected by domestic violence.


Poems about domestic violence are a powerful and important form of expression and advocacy. Through poetry, survivors can heal, empower, and resist. Poetry can challenge assumptions and stereotypes, promote awareness and advocacy, and demand change. It is crucial that poetry about domestic violence is inclusive, representative, and intersectional, amplifying the voices of marginalized and underrepresented survivors. By using poetry as a tool for change, we can work towards a world free from domestic violence.