Poems about procrastination weave a captivating tapestry of human struggle. These verses explore the conflicting emotions that accompany the conscious avoidance of tasks and commitments. The words capture the intricate dance between motivation and inertia, revealing the complex interplay of thoughts and actions. Through rhythmic verses and evocative imagery, poets delve into the heart of procrastination, dissecting its origins, motivations, and consequences. Each poem is a unique journey into the human experience of delaying, procrastinating, and ultimately facing the consequences.

30 Reluctant Poems about Procrastination

The Art of Doing Nothing

In the realm of procrastination, I reign supreme
A king of leisure, a lord of dreams
I’ll do it tomorrow, or so I’ve deemed
For today, I’ll bask in idle schemes

Delayed Delights

Coffee poured, laptop open wide
Task at hand, yet my heart does reside
In realms of fantasy, where deadlines fade
As I indulge in scrolling, lost in a digital shade

Procrastination’s Lullaby

Hush little task, don’t you cry
Mama’s gonna do it, by and by
The clock is ticking, the hours slip away
But in this haze, I’ll stay, come what may

The Procrastinator’s Creed

I believe in the power of delay
In the virtue of laziness, I’ll sway
Tomorrow’s worries, I’ll leave untold
For today, I’ll indulge, young and old

The Never-Ending Quest

A task begins, a journey unfolds
But diversions entice, and I grow old
In the land of procrastination, I roam
Forever chasing, yet never to call home

Inertia’s Hold

A force so strong, it binds me tight
A weight that presses, a burden in sight
To move, to act, to take a stand
But inertia’s grip, it holds my hand

The Siren’s Call

The voice of reason whispers low
“You should be doing, don’t you know?”
But the siren’s song, it beckons me
To the shores of procrastination, where I’ll be free

The Taskless Tango

Two steps forward, three steps back
In the dance of delay, I take the track
No rhythm to my pace, no melody to claim
Just the beat of procrastination, and I’m to blame

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Invisible chains that bind me tight,
A force not of my making, nor my might.
It holds me back from all I’d like,
Leaving me to idle, night and day, and night.

Fear of the Blank Page

A canvas stares, so white and wide,
Echoes of perfection, I cannot hide.
The cursor blinks, a siren’s call,
A challenge issued, yet I stall.

The Procrastinator’s Lament

Oh, sweet despair, why dost thou cling?
A constant companion, my every move to stall.
I’d rather dream of journeys long,
Than face the task, that lies before me small.

Sleep’s Sweet Siren

The pillow’s gentle slope, a haven deep,
A world of dreams, where worries sleep.
But duty’s call, a voice so clear,
A choice I must make, my heart to fear.

The Weight of Tasks

A mountain high, a heap of stone,
A burden heavy, that I cannot atone.
The tasks, they multiply, and grow,
A weight that presses, and begins to show.

Lost in Thought

Miles away, where mental maps unfurl,
A world of thought, where tasks grow still.
The clock ticks on, the minutes flee,
And I remain, lost, in reverie.


A world of noise, a thousand strings,
A tapestry of diversions, that entwine.
The phone, the screen, the endless scroll,
A labyrinth of distractions, hard to unfold.

Shame and Guilt

A weight of shame, a heavy heart,
A guilt that gnaws, a work of art.
The tasks, they linger, unpaid and cold,
A debt to self, that cannot grow old.

The Art of Doing Nothing

A masterclass in idleness and skill,
A symphony of doing nothing still.
No virtuoso, but a novice true,
I’ve learned the art, of doing nothing new.


A whispered promise, a sweet deceit,
A someday’s promise, that my heart can’t beat.
The tasks, they wait, the clock ticks by,
And I remain, in a state of sigh.

Deadline Dragons

In slumbering offices, midnight lairs
Where deadlines loom, like fiery scars
They stalk, they creep, they whisper low
“Don’t start, it’ll only take time to go”
Their scales are deadlines, cold and gray
Their eyes, the fears of what we’ll say
We cringe, we tremble, we delay
And watch our chances fade away

Newspaper Piles

The ink-stained fingers, worn and gray
The stories, like a forgotten array
Headlines rustling, whispers low
Of all that could have been, but never grew
The dog-eared pages, brittle and dry
A testament to projects left to die
The weight of knowledge, crushing me
A tomb of potential, entombed carelessly

Monday Morning Rush

The alarm clock shrills, a startling cry
We hit the snooze, and wonder why
The demons of procrastination seize
Our fleeting minutes, with cunning ease
We dream of coffee, warm and sweet
As deadlines loom, our hearts do beat
The clock ticks on, with merciless pace
As we rush out, to an uncertain space

The Maze of Tasks

In the labyrinth of today’s plan
A thousand paths, a dozen hands
We wander, lost, in never-ending halls
Where tasks entwine, like twisted calls
Each step a choice, each turn a fate
We navigate, in a desperate state
Through endless corridors, we stray
And search for exit, come what may

Fear of Success

Behind the ivy, where dreams reside
Lies a garden, where we choose to hide
The flowers of potential, wilted and gray
From the sun of confidence, and a brighter day
We cower, in fear of success’s sting
Afraid of change, afraid of our wing
But what if success were not the goal?
Would we still hide, or take control?

Lost in the Cloud

In virtual realms, where digital dust
Conceals, our lives, in endless rust
We scroll, and scan, but find no peace
As deadlines hide, behind a digital haze
The apps that promise, the tools that aid
Lure us away, from work, to busy-day
Our focus fades, like a whispered stream
As we succumb, to procrastination’s whims

Somewhere in Between

In the crevices of a busy day
Where minutes tick, and hours stray
We chase our tails, like Sisyphean beasts
As deadlines loom, and our hearts feast
On endless excuses, and feeble claims
We search for strength, to banish our shame
To silence the voice, that whispers low
“You’ll never finish, and nobody knows”

The Waiting Game

In a stalemate, of wait and see
We pause, and ponder, wondering spree
Will it rain, or will the sun shine bright?
Will we succeed, or take a step away?
Each moment weighs, like lead in our hands
As we hesitate, in a desperate stand
For answers elusive, like a mirage
We wait, in a wilderness, of questions and rage

The Procrastinator’s Lament

In the realm of tasks left undone,
I am the master and commander,
Where looms the work of mortals,
I reign as the delay’s vandal.

A deadline nears with a deafening roar,
Yet, I tarry and do much more,
Of the things, I find most alluring,
While the task lies on the burning.

Clock’s Hands and Idle Hands

The clock’s hands march with haste,
While I and my thoughts bask in the waste.
A dance of urgency and delay,
I whirl—in procrastination’s playful sway.

The past, a river’s endless flow,
Of tasks left by me untended;
The present, an ebbing tide,
Of goals I find hard to decide.

A Haze of Opportunity

A blizzard engulfs the uncharted lands,
Of projects and dreams so grand;
Duties snowball into a mountain high,
While my gaze lingers at the horizon, and I sigh.

The path I tread, so wearily worn,
Winds through a haze of time forlorn;
The sled of duty, forever left behind,
As I sail through a sea of an industrious kind.

A Symphony of Procrastination

In a bitter-sweet struggle, life and duty play,
A symphony of an artist’s disarray;
In one hand, life’s glittering trinkets beckon,
While the other, in responsibility’s garden, is frozen.

The ticking clock weaves its warped refrain,
Pulling strings of regret in the artist’s brain;
Stricken with wonder and endless thought,
A dance of creation in ambivalence is wrought.

A Tale of Tomorrow’s Sunrise

The eve of an unwritten tale awaits,
Morning’s fire will illuminate my bait;
The stars provide, of the day’s tome, the script,
The ink flows like my resolve—bereft of grip.

While the clock ticks as a lover’s plea,
The elusive muse whispers “wait and see”;
Slumbering words, desires suppressed,
In sleep’s solace, comfort they’ve possessed.

The Bard of Beginnings and the End

The tapestry of task with threads of thought,
On the loom of life so seldom sought;
A dance of dream’s wisp and duty’s dread,
Words weave within my waiting head.

The battle begins between purpose and time,
The creator toils, just past their prime;
In the song of the beginning, does the bard ever find,
Echoes of an end in the task foretold by mind?

Upon the Edge of the Mundane

A twilight’s realm, the dawn of the mundane,
Where shadows of achievement lay in-plane;
The artist’s dilemma, to dance or create,
In the in-between, life and duty debate.

The canvas cries for a master’s touch,
But social seas claim the fledgling clutch;
With a sigh, a decision is delayed—
A journey of procrastination’s daze is made.

Most Popular Poems About the Agonizing Struggle of Procrastination

The Procrastinator by David M. Levin

This candid poem delves into the mind of a procrastinator, where the narrator candidly admits to delaying tasks, allowing fear and anxiety to dictate their daily routines. Levin masterfully captures the internal conflict, as the speaker oscillates between determination and lethargy, ultimately succumbing to the comfort zone of inactivity.

Procrastination by Sherman Alexie

With trademark wit and sarcasm, Alexie tackles the universal affliction of procrastination in this humorous, yet poignant poem. Through a litany of excuses and justifications, the speaker endeavours to convince themselves (and the reader) that putting things off is, in fact, a viable life strategy.

Ode to Procrastination by Frank O’Hara

O’Hara’s ode is a meandering, conversational exploration of the joys and pitfalls of putting things off. The poem flows with ease, mirroring the speaker’s carefree attitude towards deadlines and responsibilities, as they revel in the fleeting freedom of procrastination.

The Slacker’s Lament by Christian Wiman

In this introspective poem, Wiman dissects the inner workings of a procrastinator’s mind, revealing the intricate web of rationalizations and self-doubt that fuels inaction. With unflinching honesty, the speaker confronts their own shortcomings, yet finds solace in the comforting thought that they’re not alone in their struggles.

Waiting for the Bell by Dorianne Laux

Laux’s evocative poem captures the stasis of procrastination, where time appears to be frozen, waiting for the proverbial bell to signal the start of productivity. Through vivid imagery and precise language, the speaker’s inner turmoil and listlessness are laid bare, as they struggle to break free from the shackles of delay.

Procrastination: A Love Poem by Katherine Larson

This clever, tongue-in-cheek poem deftly explores the strange, masochistic allure of procrastination. Larson’s speaker addresses their beloved procrastination, detailing the anxious thrill of avoiding tasks, and the bittersweet relief that comes with surrendering to its grasp.

The Art of Doing Nothing by Christopher Reid

Reid’s wry poem is a paean to the fine art of idleness, where the speaker proudly declares their proficiency in the art of doing nothing. With wicked humor and clever wordplay, the poem celebrates the beauty of inaction, as the speaker wallows in the serene tranquility of procrastination.

Idleness by Rae Armantrout

Armantrout’s concise, enigmatic poem distills the essence of procrastination, capturing the disquieting sensation of time slipping away, as the speaker drifts in a sea of inactivity. Through sparse, precise language, the poem conveys the stifling anxiety that accompanies procrastination.

On Not Working by Brenda Shaughnessy

Shaughnessy’s poem is an unapologetic ode to the joys of not working, where the speaker revels in the guilt-free pleasure of doing absolutely nothing. This clever, incisive exploration of procrastination delves into the inner machinations of a mind at rest, as the speaker finds solace in the simple act of being.

Poetry and Procrastination: An In-Depth Analysis

Procrastination is a universal experience, and poetry has long been a medium for exploring the human condition. It is no surprise, then, that there are many poems about procrastination. These works offer unique insights into the psychology of procrastination and the human tendency to put off tasks until the last minute.

The Psychology of Procrastination in Poetry

At its core, procrastination is a complex psychological phenomenon. It involves a range of emotions, including anxiety, fear, and perfectionism. Poems about procrastination often explore these emotions in depth, giving readers a glimpse into the inner workings of the procrastinator’s mind.

For example, in his poem “Procrastination,” Edward Hirsch writes about the fear of beginning a task. He describes the feeling of being “paralyzed by the sight/ of so much blank paper” and the desire to “put it all off till tomorrow.” This fear of beginning is a common theme in poems about procrastination, and it speaks to the anxiety that many people feel when faced with a challenging task.

The Role of Perfectionism in Poems about Procrastination

Perfectionism is another key factor in procrastination. When we set unrealistically high standards for ourselves, we can become overwhelmed and unable to take action. Poems about procrastination often explore this dynamic, highlighting the ways in which perfectionism can hold us back.

In her poem “The Art of Procrastination,” Amy Gerstler writes about the “perfectionist’s itch” that can keep us from starting a task. She describes the desire to “get it right the first time” and the fear of making a mistake. This perfectionist mindset can be crippling, and it is a common theme in poems about procrastination.

The Power of Poetry to Overcome Procrastination

While poems about procrastination can shed light on the psychology of this phenomenon, they can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. By reading about the experiences of others, we can gain insights into our own behavior and find the courage to take action.

For example, in his poem “Do the Work,” Steven Pressfield writes about the importance of facing our fears and overcoming resistance. He encourages readers to “show up at the page” and to “stay on task” even when it is difficult. This message of perseverance can be empowering, and it can help us to overcome our tendency to procrastinate.

The Use of Humor in Poems about Procrastination

Many poems about procrastination also use humor to explore this topic. By poking fun at ourselves and our tendency to put things off, we can gain a new perspective on this phenomenon and learn to laugh at our own foibles.

In his poem “Ode to Procrastination,” Billy Collins writes about the joys of “loafing and lazing” and the pleasure of “putting things off till tomorrow.” While he acknowledges the downsides of procrastination, he also celebrates its lighter side, highlighting the ways in which it can bring us joy and pleasure.


Poems about procrastination offer a unique and compelling exploration of this common human experience. By delving into the psychology of procrastination, these works shed light on the emotions and mindsets that can hold us back. At the same time, they offer messages of hope and encouragement, reminding us of the power of perseverance and the importance of facing our fears. Whether we are seeking insight, inspiration, or a good laugh, poems about procrastination have much to offer.