Poems about crows are a fascinating genre that explores the enigmatic nature of these birds. These poems often delve into the crows’ intelligence, solitary nature, and their haunting calls. From their symbolic associations to their eerie presence, crows have captivated poets for generations.

Their dark plumage and piercing eyes hold an undeniable fascination, inspiring both awe and fear. The poems explore the rich cultural and historical significance of these birds, often drawing parallels to human experiences. Some poems celebrate the crows’ beauty and adaptability, while others lament their perceived ill omens.

Through the medium of poetry, writers capture the unique perspective of these intelligent creatures, offering insights into their complex minds and solitary lives.

24 Enigmatic Poems about Crows

Midnight Silhouette

A crow’s dark form against the moon
A silhouette of mystery, a promise soon
To unfold the secrets of the night
And whispers that only winds can ignite

Raven’s Lullaby

Hush, little one, and listen well
The wind whispers secrets, the trees do tell
Of ancient magic, of mystical might
As the crow’s dark wings envelop the night

Crow’s Soliloquy

I am the keeper of forgotten lore
A weaver of tales, a whisperer of more
In the shadows, I reside and thrive
Where the wind whispers secrets, and the trees survive

The Language of Silence

In the stillness, the crow’s words are heard
A language of shadows, a dialect blurred
Between the trees, where darkness reigns
The crow’s wisdom echoes, in vain

The Crow’s Prophecy

Beneath the wings of the midnight bird
Lies a world of wonder, a world unheard
A realm of magic, where ancient secrets sleep
And the crow’s whispers echo, wild and deep

A Murder of Crows

In the dead of night, they congregate and meet
A council of shadows, a parliament of black feet
Their whispers weave a tapestry so fine
As they conspire, and the wind whispers in rhyme

The Crow’s Psalm

Oh, great and mysterious, hear my plea
A humble crow, I come to thee
Grant me wisdom, grant me sight
To navigate the shadows, through the dark of night

Raven’s Wings

Like a dark apostrophe, I mark the night
A punctuation of mystery, a pause in flight
My wings outstretched, I navigate the air
A silhouette of power, beyond compare

Crow’s Wingspan

From branch to branch, I stretch and glide
A dark geometry, where shadows reside
My wings outstretched, I measure the night
A realm of wonder, where stars shine bright

The Oracle’s Call

Listen well, mortal, to the crow’s decree
A message from the shadows, for thee
A world of wonder, a world unseen
Awaits the brave, who dare to be gleaned

The Crow’s Refrain

Oh, the wind whispers secrets, in my ear
Of ancient magic, of wisdom so rare
I am the keeper, of the unknown lore
A melody of mystery, forever in store

The Whispering Woods

In the heart of darkness, where ancient secrets sleep
The crow’s whispers echo, in a language so deep
A dialect of shadows, a tongue so old
Where the wind whispers secrets, and the trees unfold

Crow’s Rhapsody

In the realm of shadows, I take my stand
A dark apostle, of the midnight land
My wings outstretched, I conduct the night
A symphony of mystery, a celestial delight

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Midnight Wingspan

In silent darkness, crows convene
Their midnight council, whispers unseen
Their eyes aglow like lanterns bright
As they confer, the night takes flight
Their words unheard, their intentions unclear
Yet, in their presence, I feel a shiver
A reminder of mortality’s sting
And the mysteries that we cannot bring

Crow’s Eye View

From the windows of my mind’s eye
I gaze out at the world’s reply
A tapestry of threads so fine
Weaving stories, black and divine
The crows, they watch, their eyes afire
As human drama takes its tired desire
They know the secrets, hidden deep
And whisper truths that mortals can’t keep

Phantom Flight

Crows descend, a midnight throng
Their rustling wings, a mournful song
Echoes of the past, a reminder of
A world that’s lost, yet still to be
Their presence stirs the earth below
And whispers truths that I can’t know
In their dark silence, I am free
To roam the shadows, wild and carefree

Inky Blackness

Inky blackness, a dark cloak wraps
The world, a mystery, a cryptic map
Crows, they navigate, their route unsure
Through shadows dark, where light can’t stir
They find their way, through treacherous night
And bring back secrets, a cryptic light
Their midnight journeys, a hidden lore
A language known, to those who explore

Whispering Shadows

In twilight’s hush, where day succumbs to night
The crows, they whisper secrets in my ear, a gentle breeze
Their words are wind, a rustling sound
As they reveal the mysteries they’ve found
In forests dark, where ancient trees preside
They weave a tapestry, where myth and magic reside
Their whispers fade, as morning’s light ascends
Leaving me with echoes, a haunting trend

Raven’s Call

In twilight’s hush, where shadows play
I hear the call, a mournful sway
A chorus deep, a somber tone
That beckons me, a path unknown
Through forests dark, where cypress grow
I follow, drawn by the crow’s low moan
That whispers secrets, only known
To those who dare to wander alone

Frosty Morning

Crows assemble on the fields of green
Silent sentinels, a winter’s sheen
Their feathers, black as the darkening sky
A somber backdrop for the winter’s sigh
The world awakens, stiff and still
As frost descends, and all is mute and chill
The crows, unmoved, remain in place
Watching as the world renews its frozen space

The Crow’s Confession

I am the keeper of the midnight deep
Where shadows congregate, and whispers creep
I am the messenger, a harbinger of doom
A crow’s confession, a morbid perfume
My eyes, like coals, burn bright and cold
Reflecting the darkness, that I’ve been told
I feast on death, and revel in decay
A crow’s dark creed, in endless disarray

Cypress Shadows

In twilight’s hush, where cypress grow
I find the crows, in somber flow
Their secrets whispered, on the winter’s breeze
As darkness falls, and all is still and freeze
The trees, like sentinels of old
Stand guard, their branches bare and cold
The crows, like ghosts, between them glide
In the dark, where shadows take their ride

Silence of the Grave

In the silence, where the grave resides
The crows congregate, with funereal stride
Their black, as coal, a dirge to play
As night descends, and all is gray
The wind, a mourner, weeps and sighs
As the crows, like messengers of the skies
Deliver the news, of life’s swift decline
And in their wake, a somber silence is mine

Raven’s Wing

On wings, like night, I take to flight
The wind, a whisper, carries me away from light
I soar, a crow, above the trees
A silhouette, against the darkening ease
Where shadows loom, and darkness plays
I dance, a raven, in the moon’s pale gaze
Above, the world, in slumber lies
And I, a messenger, bear secrets to the skies

Raven’s Lament

In the realm of dusk, where shadows play,
The raven caws his sad song of the day.
His coal-black feathers, the twilight’s shroud,
Mournful, he stands alone, a funeral crowd.

A tale of woe etched in every line,
Of lost horizons and love’s decline.
His melancholy echoes through the trees,
A symphony of sorrow in the cool breeze.

Murmuration’s Whisper

When the sun dips low, and day surrenders,
The crows convene, their numbers extenders.
A canvas of darkness, a form vast,
In the sky’s fading light, it’s a sight unsurpassed.

A ballet of black, a dance divine,
In the space where the heavens intertwine.
Their whispers carried on the wind’s sigh,
A congregation of mysteries in the sky.

The Poet of Silence

In the hush of night, where silence is sound,
The crow sits veiled on a barren mound.
His quill sharpened, on the breeze he pens,
Ink-black words of the night on canvas unseen.

A bard of the dark, a harbinger of tales,
Of moonlit landscapes and quiet gales.
His poetry whispered in the star’s soft glow,
A testament to the night’s silent show.

Shadows of Dawn

As the world awakens, their watch fulfilled,
The crows ascend, the shadows spilled.
Their silhouettes dancing in the morning’s light,
Bidding farewell to the darkness of the night.

A chorus of caws, a song of morn,
In the sky’s palette, a hue reborn.
Their figures scattered as day takes flight,
Guardians of the night, in the dawn’s gentle light.

The Silent Sentinel

On the branch, he sits, the world turns ’round,
Guardian of wisdom, truth to be found.
His watchful eyes miss not a single beat,
A sentinel of secrets, an oracle of the street.

A cryptic guide, a watcher of time,
In the orchestra of life, his voice chimes.
The silent sentinel, his duty sworn,
A crow, a sage, in twilight forlorn.

The Laughter of Shadows

When the sun hides and the world’s a stage,
The crows perform their jesting page.
Their caws and cackles, a humor untold,
A bawdy puppet show on the shadows’ fold.

A mirthful gathering, laughter in the air,
A performance of shadows, a theatrical affair.
The laughter of shadows, a jubilant song,
In the intervals of day, where the night is long.

The Weaver’s Loom

In the tapestry of night, under the moon’s weave,
The crows stitch stories, secrets to conceive.
Their silhouettes dancing, a nocturnal creation,
A symphony of darkness to enchant the nation.

A weaver’s loom silenced in the day’s reprieve,
In the dreams of night, the crows conceive.
The weaver’s loom spins tales untold,
In the black canvas of the night, brave and bold.

Whispers of Twilight

In the realm ‘tween day and night’s embrace,
The crows share stories, whispered with grace.
A dialogue with dusk, a tryst with dawn,
A moment of union, the longest night spawn.

A poet’s hour, a liminal dance,
In twilight’s realm, the crows entrance.
Their whispers carry, wafting on high,
A prologue to the night’s sky.

Midnight’s Echo

In the heart of night, where silence echoes,
The crow speaks the tales of the shrouded mysteries.
A soliloquy in the moon’s pale glow,
A midnight’s whisper only secrets know.

A midnight’s echo in the blackest night,
The crow’s voice, a beacon of ethereal light.
The stories woven in the fabric of dark,
A poet of the shadows, leaving his spark.

Best-Loved Poems About the Mysterious Crow

The Crow’s Nest by Robert Louis Stevenson

This poem is a vivid description of a crow’s nest, evoking a sense of mystery and wonder. Stevenson’s use of imagery and metaphor brings the crow’s home to life, exploring the bird’s connection to nature and the poet’s fascination with its habitat. The poem’s themes of solitude, beauty, and the unknown make it a compelling read.

The Crow by Louis Glück

In this poem, Glück explores the symbolism of the crow as a harbinger of death and transformation. The speaker’s encounter with the crow sparks a meditation on mortality, love, and the cyclical nature of life. Glück’s distinctive style weaves together myth, nature, and personal experience, creating a haunting and thought-provoking poem.

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

One of Poe’s most famous works, “The Raven” tells the story of a man’s descent into madness, haunted by the presence of a mysterious raven. The poem’s atmospheric language, rich symbolism, and exploration of love, loss, and the supernatural have made it a timeless classic.

In a Crow’s Mind by Mary Oliver

Oliver’s poem delves into the inner world of the crow, imagining its thoughts and feelings as it goes about its daily life. With her characteristic attention to nature and detail, Oliver reveals the crow’s unique perspective, encouraging the reader to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the everyday.

The Crow’s Song by Margaret Atwood

Atwood’s poem is a darkly humorous exploration of the crow’s role as a scavenger and trickster. The speaker’s witty monologue offers a wry commentary on human nature, mortality, and the environment, showcasing Atwood’s mastery of tone and language.

Crows in Winter by Mary Oliver

In this poem, Oliver captures the beauty and mystery of a winter landscape, where crows congregate in the snow. Her vivid descriptions and gentle reflections on the natural world evoke a sense of peace, wonder, and connection to the earth.

The Crow and the Bell by Mark Doty

Doty’s poem explores the symbolism of the crow and its association with death, decay, and transformation. Through a lyrical and introspective style, Doty reflects on the human experience of loss and the importance of facing our own mortality.

A Murder of Crows by Theodore Roethke

Roethke’s poem is a vivid description of a flock of crows, their movements and sounds evoking a sense of primitive energy and power. The poem’s use of imagery and symbolism invites the reader to explore the boundaries between nature and the human psyche.

Crow Blues by Gary Snyder

Snyder’s poem is a meditation on the interconnectedness of all living things, featuring the crow as a symbol of resilience and adaptability. With his characteristic attention to the natural world, Snyder reflects on the importance of living in harmony with the earth and its creatures.

The Crow’s Wings by Stanley Kunitz

Kunitz’s poem is a deeply personal exploration of the crow’s symbolism, exploring themes of mortality, creativity, and the search for meaning. The poem’s use of imagery and metaphor reveals the crow’s transformative power and its connection to the human experience.

The Symbolism of Crows in Poetry

Crows have long been a source of fascination for poets, serving as a symbol for a wide range of themes and ideas. In many cultures, crows are seen as harbingers of death and darkness, and this symbolism is often reflected in poetry. However, crows can also represent intelligence, adaptability, and mystery. The poet’s use of crow symbolism can add depth and complexity to their work, inviting readers to explore the many possible meanings of this fascinating bird.

The Role of Crows in Nature Poetry

Crows are an integral part of the natural world, and many poets have used them as a way to explore the beauty and complexity of the natural world. Crows are scavengers, and their presence in a literary work can serve as a reminder of the cycle of life and death. Additionally, crows are highly intelligent birds, capable of complex problem-solving and social behavior. Poets who focus on nature and the animal kingdom may use crows as a way to explore these aspects of the natural world.

The Use of Crows in Political and Social Poetry

Crows can also be used as a symbol for political and social issues. In some cases, crows may represent the marginalized or oppressed, serving as a reminder of the struggles faced by these groups. In other cases, crows may symbolize the powerful and dominant, highlighting the ways in which these groups exert their influence over others. The use of crows in political and social poetry allows poets to explore these issues in a unique and powerful way, inviting readers to consider the many layers of meaning and interpretation.

The Sound of Crows in Poetry

The sound of crows is distinctive and memorable, and many poets have used this sound as a way to add depth and texture to their work. The cawing of crows can be a haunting and evocative sound, and it can be used to create a sense of atmosphere and mood. Additionally, the sound of crows can be used to create a sense of place, highlighting the ways in which crows are an integral part of the natural world.

The Use of Crows in Narrative Poetry

Crows can also be used as a way to tell a story in poetry. In some cases, crows may serve as a central character, driving the narrative of the poem. In other cases, crows may serve as a symbol or metaphor, adding depth and complexity to the story being told. The use of crows in narrative poetry allows poets to explore a wide range of themes and ideas, from the mundane to the mystical.

The Visual Appearance of Crows in Poetry

The visual appearance of crows is striking and memorable, and many poets have used this appearance as a way to add depth and texture to their work. The black color of crows can be used to create a sense of darkness and mystery, while the sharp beaks and piercing eyes of crows can be used to create a sense of danger and intensity. Additionally, the movement and behavior of crows can be used to create a sense of atmosphere and mood, highlighting the ways in which crows are an integral part of the natural world.


Poems about crows offer a unique and powerful way to explore a wide range of themes and ideas. From symbolism to sound, narrative to visual appearance, crows provide poets with a rich and versatile source of inspiration. Whether they are used to explore the beauty and complexity of the natural world, the issues and concerns of politics and society, or the simple pleasures of everyday life, poems about crows offer a unique and captivating way to engage with the world around us.