Poems about meditation weave words into mindful moments, capturing the essence of stillness and reflection. These poems delve into the depths of human consciousness, exploring the quiet power of focused attention. Each stanza unfolds like a tapestry of emotions, revealing the transformative potential of this ancient practice. Within these verses, you’ll discover tales of inner peace, the boundless expanse of the present moment, and the liberation found in letting go.

28 Soothing Poems about Meditation

Silence in Motion

In stillness, I find my peace
A quiet mind, a tranquil release
The world outside begins to cease
As I sit, in meditation’s ease

Breath of Life

With every inhale, I feel alive
Fresh energy, a new vibe
Exhale, and let go the strife
In the present, I thrive

Whispers of the Soul

In quiet moments, I hear my heart
Whispers of wisdom, a gentle start
A journey inward, a brand new start
To listen to the soul’s deepest part

Ripples of Thought

Like a pebble dropped in a serene lake
Thoughts arise, and gently break
On the surface of my mind, they make
Ripples of reflection, for my soul to partake

Midnight Reflections

Under starry skies, I sit and ponder
The day’s events, the heart’s deep thunder
In the stillness, I find my wonder
In the silence, I am made to ponder

Pathways of the Mind

A labyrinth of thoughts, I gently unwind
Twists and turns, a journey to find
The center of my soul, where love does shine
Guiding me forward, one step at a time

Unfurling Petals

Like a lotus flower, I slowly unfurl
Petals of trust, a heart that’s whirled
In the mud of life, I’m anchored deep
Yet, in meditation, my spirit does creep

Inner Harmony

Two wings of thought, in balance I hold
Reason and emotion, young and old
In harmony, they find their place
As I sit, in meditation’s sacred space

Reflections in the Pool

Like a mirror’s gaze, I reflect on my soul
Ripples of thought, a story to be told
In the stillness, I see myself whole
A reflection of love, young and old

Morning Mantras

With each new dawn, I start anew
A fresh beginning, a heart that’s true
I whisper mantras, soft and low
To guide me forward, as the day does grow

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A Calm Within

As petals of the lotus bloom, so too does peace unfold,
In quiet moments, my soul takes flight, leaving worries cold.
A warmth that spreads, like sunrise on the shore,
A sense of calm, that I’ve been searching for.

Inward Journey

In the depths of my being, a path unwinds,
A journey where thoughts and emotions merge and blend.
With each step back, I find my inner guide,
A sense of clarity, that I’ve been unable to hide.

Silence Speaks

In the stillness of the night, I hear your voice,
A gentle whisper, a loving choice.
It echoes through my soul, with every beat,
A reminder that peace is just a breath away, to greet.

As I Breathe

As I breathe in the stillness, I feel my heart release,
The tension and the stress, the worries and the unease.
In the pause between the breaths, a moment’s peace I find,
A sense of calm, that’s always available, always on my mind.

Blissful Silence

In the silence of the forest, I find my way,
A path that’s winding, yet leads me to a brighter day.
The rustling leaves, the chirping birds, all fade away,
Leaving me in stillness, where my soul can sway.

Mindful Moments

A moment’s pause, a breath of air,
A chance to let go of the chaos that’s there.
In the present instant, I find my peace,
A sense of calm, that’s forever released.

The Peaceful Place

I close my eyes, and imagine a place,
Where worries fade, and love takes its space.
A tranquil lake, with ripples calm and still,
Reflecting the serenity, that I’ve been trying to fulfill.

Heart of Calm

In the heart of calm, a river flows,
A gentle stream, that brings me back to go.
With each wave of calm, my fears subside,
And a sense of peace, in my heart, reside.

Love and Light

Love and light, in equal measure, I find,
A balance that brings, a peaceful mind.
In every breath, a sense of calm takes hold,
A feeling of peace, that’s forever to be told.

The Path to Peace

The path to peace, is not always clear,
But in the journey, I find my heart quite near.
To the place where love, and calm reside,
Where worries fade, and peace is my guide.

Serenity’s Edge

At serenity’s edge, I find my stand,
Where worries fade, and peace takes command.
In every breath, a sense of calm I feel,
A sense of peace, that’s forever real.

A Breath of Calm

In the stillness of the night’s dark shade,
I find my way to inner peace displayed.
The stars above, a twinkling haze,
Invite me in, to let my worries sway.
A breath of calm, a sigh of ease,
A quieting of the racing breeze.
For in this quiet, I am free to be,
A being, untethered, wild, and me.

Moonlit Reflections

The moon, a silver crescent smile,
Lures me to the surface, where the darkness deepens still.
I step into its gentle, lapping tide,
And let the shadows, like a mirror, slide.
A reflection of the soul, it is said,
A glimpse of what lies beneath the surface spread.
In its quiet pools, I find a glimpse,
Of the self I was, before life’s din and jest.

Foolish Noise

In the silence, I hear the sound,
Of foolish noise, that echoes all around.
A chatterbox of thoughts that never cease,
A jangle of fears, and insecurities that freeze.
I let it fade, like mist that clears,
And find the stillness, that exists through all my fears.
In this quietude, I rediscover me,
A being, full of peace, and simplicity.

Roots of Serenity

Like ancient trees, that deep into the earth,
Their roots dig deep, and spread their length, and worth.
So too, my roots of serenity,
Dig deep within, and spread their peace, and symphony.
In quiet contemplation, they grow strong,
A foundation deep, where I can stand all day long.
A haven, where the storms of life, can rage,
And in its depths, I find my inner balance, and ourage.

The Gift of Silence

A gift, that’s given, yet rarely received,
The gift of silence, in a world that’s constantly conceived.
A pause, a space, a moment’s hush,
Where the noise of life, and all its frenzy, rush.
In this silence, I find my sanity,
A calm, that soothes, a serenity.
A gift, that’s pure, and simple, and true,
A treasure, that’s mine, and one that’s waiting for you.

The Edge of Silence

The edge of silence, where words are few,
And the world’s din, and chatter, are but a memory or two.
A place, where thoughts, and emotions, slow,
And the noise, of the ego, starts to fold.
In this quiet, I find my inner gaze,
A deep look, at the self, in its calm, and peaceful ways.
A place, where wisdom’s voice, begins to say,
“Be still, and let the answers, slip away.”

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