## Poems About the Devil

Throughout history, poets have dared to delve into the depths of human darkness, conjuring the enigmatic figure of the devil. These poems explore the complexities of this fallen angel, grappling with themes of sin, temptation, and ultimate defiance. The poems wander through realms where good and evil collide, illuminating the allure and perils of the devil’s whispers. Some poems depict him as a cunning manipulator, while others paint him as a tragic figure, forever damned by his own machinations. Through their words, poets offer unique perspectives on this timeless antagonist, revealing the intricate layers of his character and the eternal struggle between light and shadow.

23 Ominous Poems about the Devil

The Devil’s Whisper

In the dead of night, he whispers low
Of power and glory, of secrets to know
He tempts with sweet nothings, a siren’s call
A whispered promise, a fatal fall

Beyond the Crossroads

Where moonlight fades, and darkness reigns
The devil’s den, a place of bitter pains
A gathering of souls, lost and undone
Forever trapped, in his wicked throne

The Devil’s Playground

A midnight carnival, of twisted delight
A Ferris wheel of pain, a funhouse of fright
The devil’s laughter echoes, a chilling sound
As souls are lost, in his wicked ground

Infernal Flame

A burning pyre, of souls on fire
The devil’s wrath, a wicked desire
To claim the damned, in his dark design
An eternal torment, forever divine

The Devil’s Masquerade

A midnight ball, of beauty and deceit
The devil’s mask, a disguise so neat
He hides in plain sight, with wicked guile
As innocent souls, begin their downward mile

The Devil’s Soliloquy

I am the king, of this darkest night
The ruler of shadows, the bringer of fright
I weave my webs, of deceit and despair
And souls are mine, to torment and ensnare

A Dance with the Devil

In the silence, of a haunted night
The devil’s melody, a wicked delight
A waltz of darkness, a tango of fear
As souls are seduced, by his wicked cheer

The Devil’s Requiem

A funeral march, of souls undone
The devil’s lament, a wicked tone
He mourns the loss, of his favorite prey
As they are dragged, down to their final day

The Devil’s Shadow

A silhouette, of darkness and fear
The devil’s presence, always drawing near
A looming figure, of malevolent might
As souls are consumed, by his wicked light

The Devil’s Gambit

A game of chance, of souls on the line
The devil’s wager, a wicked design
He bets on despair, on hopelessness and fear
As souls are lost, in his wicked clear

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The Devil’s Whisper

In darkest night, when shadows play,
A whispered voice begins its sway,
A gentle breeze that rustles shrubs,
A midnight wind that brings its hush,
A voice that speaks, both calm and low,
A temptation that the soul does know,
A devil’s whisper, soft and slow,
That leads us down the path we’d rather not go.

Sin’s Sweet Siren

In twilight’s hush, where shadows dance,
A siren’s call begins its prance,
A melody that’s sweet and fine,
A harmony that’s hard to decline,
A chorus that the heart does sing,
A rhythm that the soul does bring,
A devil’s song, that’s hard to resist,
A sin that takes its wicked lit.

Midnight’s Dark Dealt Hand

In midnight’s dark, where stars are few,
A deal is made, in secret anew,
A pact is sealed, with blood and fire,
A contract signed, with hearts that conspire,
A devil’s deal, that’s hard to break,
A darkness dealt, that’s hard to forsake,
A midnight’s dark, that’s hard to face,
A despair that’s hard to erase.

The Devil’s Pawn

In garden plots, where flowers bloom,
A pawn is moved, in chess-like tomb,
A game is played, with strategy cold,
A move is made, with hearts that unfold,
A devil’s pawn, that’s hard to stay,
A pawn that’s moved, to ruin’s way,
A game of love, that’s hard to play,
A darkness dealt, that’s hard to slay.

The Devil’s Dance

In darkness deep, where shadows sway,
A dance begins, with devils’ play,
A waltz of death, that’s hard to escape,
A tango of doom, that’s hard to shape,
A devil’s dance, that’s hard to cease,
A rhythm that the soul does release,
A melody that’s hard to resist,
A darkness that’s hard to dismiss.

Devil’s Bargain

In twilight’s hush, where shadows play,
A bargain’s struck, in wicked way,
A deal is made, that’s hard to break,
A pact is sealed, that’s hard to forsake,
A devil’s bargain, that’s hard to make,
A darkness dealt, that’s hard to partake,
A midnight’s dark, that’s hard to face,
A despair that’s hard to erase.

The Devil’s Game

In garden plots, where flowers bloom,
A game is played, with devils’ gloom,
A move is made, with hearts that fold,
A pawn is moved, with love that grows old,
A devil’s game, that’s hard to play,
A game of love, that’s hard to slay,
A darkness dealt, that’s hard to face,
A despair that’s hard to erase.

The Devil’s Song

In midnight’s dark, where stars are few,
A song begins, with devils’ “Amen”,
A melody that’s hard to decline,
A harmony that the heart does entwine,
A devil’s song, that’s hard to rest,
A rhythm that the soul does quest,
A darkness that’s hard to dismiss,
A midnight’s dark, that’s hard to insist.

Devil’s Heartbeat

In darkness deep, where shadows play,
A heartbeat’s felt, with devils’ sway,
A rhythm’s found, with hearts that beat,
A melody that’s hard to repeat,
A devil’s heartbeat, that’s hard to cease,
A rhythm that the soul does release,
A darkness that’s hard to dismiss,
A midnight’s dark, that’s hard to insist.

Sin’s Sweet Bane

In twilight’s hush, where shadows dance,
A bane is found, with sin’s romance,
A poison’s spread, with love that’s cold,
A darkness dealt, that’s hard to unfold,
A devil’s bane, that’s hard to stay,
A sin that’s spread, with hearts that sway,
A midnight’s dark, that’s hard to face,
A despair that’s hard to erase.

Midnight’s Dark Confession

In midnight’s dark, where stars are few,
A confession’s made, with devils’ cue,
A tale is told, with hearts that confess,
A story’s found, with love that’s repress,
A midnight’s dark, that’s hard to face,
A confession’s made, with hearts that ache,
A darkness dealt, that’s hard to partake,
A despair that’s hard to erase.

The Fiend in the Mirror

In the glass, a shadow’s frame
A reflection twisted, out of flame
Eyes that burn with hellfire’s gleam
A presence looms, a wicked dream
The devil’s kiss upon the cheek
A mark that’s sealed, a soul to seek
The mirrored soul, a wicked grin
A whispered promise, a fate within
The devil’s breath, a kiss so cold
A bond is forged, a soul to mold

The Eternal Solace

In burning pits, where demons play
I’ll find my peace, my eternal way
Through flames that lick, and ashes gray
I’ll find the comfort, come what may
The devil’s love, a burning flame
That guides me through life’s endless game
Through trials and tribulations rife
I’ll find solace, in the devil’s life
In darkest night, where shadows creep
I’ll find the solace, I mortal sleep
In wicked dreams, where terrors reign
I’ll find the solace, the devil’s refrain

The Devil’s Whispers

In darkest night, where shadows sway
I hear the whispers, the devil’s say
“Come closer, mortal, don’t be scared”
His voice is honey, his words are bared
He speaks of power, and secrets old
Of lies and truth, of truths untold
His whispers weave, a tangled web
That snare the soul, and secrets robbed
The devil’s voice, a siren’s call
That beckons me, to the devil’s hall

The Master of the Dance

The devil’s hand, it guides the stage
Where mortals dance, to a wicked age
With steps so light, and steps so bold
They sway to the rhythm, their souls to mold
The devil’s beat, a wicked refrain
That echoes through, eternal pain
Their movements swift, their hearts aflame
As they surrender, their souls to claim
To hellish tunes, a never-ending song
They dance with demons, all life long

The Red Demon’s Lament

In the fiery abyss I reside,
A realm of darkness, my eternal bride.
Sulfur and brimstone, my only kin,
In this wretched pit, where no light has ever been.

Weary from tormenting lost souls,
I scream into the void, no one hears my calls.
I am the fallen, the cursed, the damned,
In this eternal night, I am the only man.

The Beast’s Seduction

A dance with the devil, a dance with deceit,
In the shadowy corners, where secrets retreat.
His eyes, they glimmer, a sinister grin,
A dance with the devil, where paradise ends.

His whispers are sweet, his touch soft as sin,
In the depths of darkness, where freedom begins.
A waltz with the wicked, a tango with treason,
A dance with the devil, engulfed in a sea of reason.

The Serpent’s Embrace

Wrapped in the coils of the ancient serpent,
An unholy union, fate’s lament.
His scales, they shimmer, a cloak of despair,
A dance with the devil, beyond compare.

His fangs, they pierce, the venom does flow,
In the pit of destruction, where vanity grows.
A clasp with the cursed, a grips with the grave,
A dance with the devil, a path we pave.

The Harlot’s Hymn

A melody of madness, a ballad of blasphemy,
In the den of iniquity, life’s grand anomaly.
Her voice, it calls, a symphony of shame,
A dance with the devil, a losing game.

Her steps, they echo, in the halls of hell,
A tale of two cities, heaven and shell.
A flirt with the fiend, a tryst with the traitor,
A dance with the devil, the final decor.

The Undying Flame

Unquenchable, unyielding, unholy divine,
A beacon of torment, where shadows entwine.
His roar, it thunders, the infernal fire,
A dance with the devil, a burning desire.

His dance, it flames, a waltz with the worm,
A storm of desolation, life’s greatest norm.
A spark with the sinner, a kiss with the damned,
A dance with the devil, till the world is damned.

The Crimson Shadow

A cloak of blood, the color of doom,
A dance with the devil, howls in the gloom.
His laughter, it booms, the shriek of the night,
A dance with the devil, in a fit of spite.

His figure, it looms, the phantom of dread,
A masquerade of malice, on the prowl for the dead.
A waltz with the wraith, a salsa with the scourge,
A dance with the devil, a crimson gorge.

The Howling Void

A cavern of chaos, a symphony of sorrow,
A dance with the devil, night after tomorrow.
His calls, they echo, the screams of the forsaken,
A dance with the devil, life’s most cruel prank.

His silence, it shrieks, an orchestra of desolation,
A tango with torment, a rumba of devastation.
A jive with the jester, a twirl with the trickster,
A dance with the devil, this hollowed dishmaster.

The Bloodied Throne

A seat of sin, the throne of deceit,
A dance with the devil, on life’s bitter sheet.
His reign, it roars, the claws of the beast,
A dance with the devil, a feast of the least.

His crown, it weeps, a diadem of disaster,
A march with the malicious, a stride with the haster.
A tango with the tyrant, a shimmy with the scoundrel,
A dance with the devil, on a bloodied mound.

The Abyssal Choir

A choir of chaos, an anthem of anguish,
A dance with the devil, on the precipice.
Their cries, they shatter, the voices of the damned,
A dance with the devil, an existential maim.

Their hymns, they blister, the chants of the cursed,
A salsa with the sinister, a jig with the darned.
A jaunt with the jeering, a ramble with the ransacked,
A dance with the devil, the end cracked.

The Unseen Hand

Guiding the forsaken, the lost, the astray,
A dance with the devil, in his lurid alley.
His grip, it seizes, the terror of the night,
A dance with the devil, in the twilight.

His pull, it prowls, the snare of the shadows,
A polka with the phantom, a reel with the woe-begone.
A two-step with the tempter, a strut with the twisted,
A dance with the devil, forever enlisted.

The Shadowed Wings

An embrace of darkness, a flight to the pit,
A dance with the devil, a leap of a blight.
His wings, they blanket, the obscurity of despair,
A dance with the devil, in the cold air.

His flight, it thunders, the stroke of fate’s wing,
A Charleston with the vengeful, a sashay with the sinning.
A pirouette with the preying, a jitterbug with the judging,
A dance with the devil, from the light.

The Fated Duet

An entwined dance, a interlocked symphony,
A dance with the devil, in the realm of treachery.
Her eyes, they lure, the poison of the night,
A dance with the devil, a losing fight.

Their dance, they blister, a infernal crescendo,
A fandango with the fallen, an intricacy of the oblivion.
A fox-trot with the fanged, a waltz with the undone,
A dance with the devil, till the rising sun.

15 Most Popular Poems About the Devil

The Devil’s Thoughts by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

This poem is a humorous and satirical take on the devil’s thoughts and feelings. The devil is portrayed as a being who is bored and frustrated with his own existence, and longs for the excitement and freedom of heaven. Coleridge uses clever wordplay and imagery to bring the devil to life, making him a relatable and almost sympathetic character.

The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving

This poem is a cautionary tale about the dangers of making deals with the devil. Tom Walker, a greedy and miserly man, meets the devil in the woods and agrees to sell his soul in exchange for wealth and power. But as Tom’s fortunes rise, he becomes increasingly consumed by guilt and paranoia, ultimately meeting a terrible end.

Paradise Lost: Book I by John Milton

This epic poem tells the story of the fall of man and the temptation of Adam and Eve by Satan, the fallen angel. Milton’s masterpiece is a rich and complex exploration of the nature of evil, free will, and the human condition.

The Devil’sWalk on the Earth’s Surface by Robert Southey

In this poem, the devil takes a stroll on earth, observing human nature and commenting on its flaws and shortcomings. Southey uses vivid imagery and clever language to bring the devil to life, making him a wry and witty commentator on human society.

The Devil’s Visit by anonymous

This medieval poem tells the story of a devil who comes to earth to tempt a monk into sin. The devil takes on many disguises, but the monk remains steadfast in his faith. The poem is a testament to the power of faith and devotion in the face of temptation.

The Devil’s Address by Robert Burns

In this poem, the devil addresses a group of Scottish lairds, speaking in a clever and witty tone. Burns uses humor and satire to comment on the excesses and greed of the upper class, making the devil a clever and persuasive speaker.

The Devil’s Sonata by Mikhail Lermontov

This poem tells the story of a violinist who makes a pact with the devil in exchange for musical genius. But as the violinist becomes more and more successful, he begins to lose his soul, becoming a servant of the devil.

The Devil’s Meeting by Percy Bysshe Shelley

In this poem, the devil holds a meeting with his followers, discussing their plans to corrupt humanity. Shelley uses imagery and language to create a vivid portrait of the devil and his minions, making them seem both terrifying and pathetic.

The Devil’s Epitaph by anonymous

This short poem is a clever and humorous take on the devil’s legacy. The devil is portrayed as a being who has brought humanity both good and evil, and is ultimately punished for his misdeeds.

The Devil’s Progress by Thomas Moore

In this poem, the devil sets out to corrupt a young man, using temptation and deceit to lead him astray. Moore uses clever language and imagery to bring the devil to life, making him a sly and cunning foe.

The Devil’s Council by H.P. Lovecraft

This poem tells the story of a group of devils who gather to discuss their plans for humanity. Lovecraft’s dark and atmospheric language creates a sense of foreboding and dread, making the devils seem both terrifying and otherworldly.

The Devil’s Case by Alexander Pope

In this poem, the devil argues his case before God, claiming that he has been unfairly punished for his rebellion. Pope uses clever language and logic to make the devil’s case seem persuasive, raising questions about the nature of justice and morality.

The Devil’s Will by Matthew Lewis

This poem tells the story of a man who makes a pact with the devil in exchange for wealth and power. But as the man becomes more and more corrupt, he begins to lose his soul, ultimately meeting a terrible end.

The Devil’s Account by James Montgomery

In this poem, the devil presents his account of human history, claiming that he has been unfairly blamed for humanity’s misdeeds. Montgomery uses clever language and imagery to bring the devil to life, making him a sly and cunning foe.

The Fascination with the Devil in Poetry

The devil, as a figure, has long been a source of fascination in literature and poetry. This is perhaps due to the devil’s enigmatic nature, as a being that is both alluring and repulsive, seductive and terrifying. The devil represents the embodiment of evil, but also the freedom that comes with defying social norms and expectations. As a result, the devil has been the subject of countless poems, each exploring different aspects of this complex and fascinating figure.

Historical Context of Devil Poetry

The devil has been a popular subject in poetry for centuries, with many early poems focusing on the devil as a symbol of temptation and sin. During the medieval period, the devil was often depicted as a cunning and manipulative figure, who would stop at nothing to lead people astray. This portrayal of the devil was likely influenced by the religious climate of the time, with the Christian church warning of the dangers of straying from the path of righteousness.

In more recent times, the devil has been reimagined as a more complex and multifaceted figure. Many modern poems explore the devil’s humanity, showing him as a being who is capable of both good and evil. This more nuanced portrayal of the devil reflects a shift in societal values and beliefs, with people becoming more accepting of the idea that even those who do wrong are not beyond redemption.

Themes in Poems about the Devil

There are several common themes that run through poems about the devil. One of the most prevalent is the theme of temptation. The devil is often depicted as a seductive figure, who uses his charm and wit to lure people into committing sinful acts. This theme is explored in poems such as “The Temptation of Christ” by John Milton, which tells the story of the devil’s attempts to tempt Jesus in the desert.

Another common theme in poems about the devil is the idea of rebellion. The devil is often seen as a symbol of defiance against authority, with many poems depicting him as a figure who is unwilling to bow down to the will of God or other powerful forces. This theme is explored in poems such as “The Devil’s Thoughts” by Nathaniel Cotton, which portrays the devil as a being who is determined to do things his own way, no matter the consequences.

A third common theme in poems about the devil is the idea of punishment. Many poems depict the devil as a being who is tasked with meting out punishment to those who have sinned. This theme is explored in poems such as “The Infernal Spirit” by William Blake, which describes the devil as a being who takes delight in the suffering of others.

The Role of the Devil in Poetry

The devil plays a variety of roles in poetry, depending on the poem and the poet’s intent. In some poems, the devil serves as a symbol of evil, a reminder of the dangers of straying from the path of righteousness. In other poems, the devil is a more complex figure, one who is capable of both good and evil, and who serves as a symbol of rebellion and defiance.

Regardless of the role he plays, the devil is a figure that is sure to continue to inspire poets for centuries to come. With his enigmatic nature and complex personality, the devil is a figure that is both fascinating and terrifying, a being that is worthy of exploration and examination in poetry.


Poems about the devil offer a fascinating glimpse into the human psyche, revealing our fears, desires, and fascination with the figure of the devil. Whether he is depicted as a symbol of temptation, rebellion, or punishment, the devil is a figure that is sure to continue to inspire poets for generations to come. Through their poems, these writers remind us of the power and allure of the devil, and of the danger that comes with giving in to his seductive charms.