Have you ever wanted to express your love and grief for your deceased mom through poetry? Poems can be a powerful way to capture your emotions and memories, and to help you through the grieving process.

There are many different types of poems you can write for your mom, depending on what you want to express. You can write a poem about her personality, her values, or her impact on your life. You can also write a poem to express your pain and sadness at her loss.

Writing a poem for your deceased mom can be a therapeutic experience, and it can also be a way to share her memory with others.

40 Heartfelt Poems for Deceased Mom

Here are the poems:

A Mother’s Love

In memories of you, I find my peace
A calming sense that never will cease
Your love, a flame that burns so bright
Guiding me through life’s darkest night

In Heaven’s Care

You left us too soon, it’s hard to bear
But in heaven, you’re finally there
Free from pain, free from strife
Dancing with angels, living life

Forever in My Heart

Mom, you may be gone, but not forgotten
Your memory stays, forever unbroken
In my heart, you’ll always remain
A sweet reminder of love’s sweet refrain

Tears of Sorrow

My tears fall like the rain
As I mourn your passing, in vain
Wishing you were here, by my side
But fate had other plans, it seemed to decide

Memories of You

In dreams, I see your smiling face
Hear your laughter, feel your gentle embrace
Though you’re gone, your memory stays
A bittersweet reminder of happier days

The Empty Chair

The chair is empty, the room is still
But in my heart, your presence I fulfill
I see your smile, I hear your voice
A lonely comfort, a heartfelt choice

Missing You

Time may heal, but wounds remain
The ache of your absence, an endless refrain
I miss you, Mom, more than words can say
But in my heart, you’ll always stay

You Will Always Be

You will always be my guiding light
Shining bright, through the dark of night
A beacon of hope, a love so true
Forever in my heart, I’ll always renew

Though You’re Gone

Though you’re gone, your legacy stays
A love that’s strong, a memory that sways
In my heart, you’ll forever be
A mother’s love, eternally free

In Loving Memory

In loving memory, I hold you dear
A cherished love, a memory so clear
Though you’re no longer here with me
In my heart, you’ll always be free

A Mother’s Gift

The gift of life, you gave to me
A love so pure, a heart that’s free
In your memory, I’ll live each day
Grateful for the time, we had to sway

Farewell, Mom

Farewell, dear Mom, it’s hard to say
But in my heart, you’ll always stay
In memories, I’ll hold you tight
Until we meet, in the morning light

Celebrating You

We celebrate, your life so bright
A shining star, on a cloudy night
Your love, a flame, that burns so bold
In my heart, your memory will forever unfold

Unbroken Bond

Our bond, unbroken, our love so strong
Though you’re gone, our hearts still belong
Together, in spirit, we’ll always be
A love that’s eternal, a family

Shining Star

You were my shining star, my guiding light
A constant presence, through the dark of night
Though you’re gone, your memory stays
A beacon of hope, in a world of gray

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A Mother’s Love

In the silence, I hear your voice
whispers of wisdom, guiding choice
a gentle breeze that soothes my soul
reminding me of your love’s control
you may be gone, but not the pain
of losing you, the sting remains


smiles and laughter, tears and fears
moments we shared through all the years
your warmth and love, a guiding light
helping me through the darkest night
though you’re no longer here for me
your memory stays, a balm to see


goodbye, dear mother, it’s hard to say
though your life’s work is done, I pray
your spirit soars, free from pain
reunited with loved ones, joy again
I’ll carry you with me always near
in my heart, a love so sincere

After You’re Gone

the world is darker, colder, grey
without you, joy’s gone astray
your absence, a gaping hole
echoes of memories, a heart made whole
I’m lost without your guiding hand
but I’ll keep moving, understand

A Mother’s Legacy

your love and lessons, a precious gift
a foundation for my life’s lift
your memories, a treasure to hold
a heart that beats, a story to be told
your spirit lives, a light to guide
in the darkness, I’ll take your stride


tears fall like autumn rain
for the love we shared, the pain we’d sustain
mom, I wish we had more time
to laugh, to love, to heal in rhyme
but life took you, and I’m left behind
with tears and memories, a heart of mine

Miss You

I miss your voice, your gentle touch
your smile, your love, your gentle clutch
I miss your laughter, your warm embrace
your words of wisdom, a guiding pace
though you’re no longer here with me
your memory stays, a love to see

Through the Storm

life’s stormy weather, its raging sea
your love was my anchor, a shelter for me
in the turmoil, you kept me safe
your guidance, a beacon, a guiding way
though you’re no longer here to stay
your love remains, a light to show the way

Forgotten Memories

forgotten memories, like leaves that fall
memories we made, through it all
your love and laughter, though quiet now
echoes of the past, a heart that bows
though you’re no longer here to share
your memories stay, a love that’s rare

Last Goodbye

last goodbye, dear mother, I bid
though it seems like yesterday, we’d sit
and talk of life, of love and fears
of dreams and hopes, and all our tears
I’ll keep you with me, always near
in my heart, love that brings me cheer

More Time

oh, for more time, dear mother of mine
to tell you how much I love and appreciate the time
we had, the laughter, the tears and the tears
to say thank you, for all the years
but life took you, and I’m left behind
with memories, a heart of mine

Mother’s Day

mother’s day, without you here
a day that’s tinged with sadness and fear
I miss you, dear mother, so much more
on this day, than any other before
I’ll celebrate, with memories of you
the love we shared, the life we knew


closure, a word I’d like to know
if it’s possible, to heal and let go
but pain remains, a lingering ache
a wound that’s deep, a hurt that won’t forsake
though you’re no longer here, your love remains
a balm to soothe, a heart that still sustains

Piece of Me

a piece of me, I’ll always keep
a part of you, a heart that beats
a memory, a love that’s true
a piece of you, a piece of me, too
though you’re no longer here to say
I love you, mom, every single day

A Mother’s Love

In the silence of memory lane,
Where tears and laughter once did reign,
I hear your whispers in my ear,
A gentle breeze that calms my fear.
Your love, a flame that flickered bright,
Guiding me through life’s darkest night,
A beacon shining, pure and true,
For me, a shelter, safe and new.

In the softness of your loving touch,
I felt secure, without a clutch,
Your warmth, a refuge from life’s storm,
A haven where my heart could form.
Your smile, a ray of sunshine bright,
Lighting up the darkest night,
With every breath, I’ll hold it dear,
A memory I’ll treasure, year by year.

Mother’s Little Helper

You were my guiding light,
My partner in the darkest night,
You navigated life’s twist and turn,
And helped me find my path to learn.
With every step, you held my hand,
And showed me a world so grand,
The world was vast, the world was wide,
But with you by my side, I felt guided and pride.

You wiped away my tears, you comforted my fears,
You faced my doubts, and calmed my cheers,
You showed me love, you showed me kindness too,
And helped me find, my heart’s pure truth.
You were my rock, my guiding star,
My mother, my friend, who went so far.

A Mother’s Wish

You’d tell me stories, of your dreams so bright,
Of a world where love was the guiding light,
Where hearts were pure, and souls were free,
And every child, was born to be.
You’d whisper secrets, of life’s great plan,
And share with me, your wisdom, grand,
You’d show me scars, and tell me why,
And help me learn, to touch the morning sky.

You’d walk me through, life’s darkest night,
And help me find, the morning light,
You’d hold me close, and whisper low,
“Our bond will break, when my time is low.”
You’d cry, you’d laugh, you’d hold my hand,
And give me strength, to take a stand.
And though you’re gone, your legacy remains,
A guiding force, that forever sustains.

Milestone Memories

The laughter echoes, the memories play,
Of milestones passed, on life’s winding way,
From first steps taken, to first day of school,
From birthdays celebrated, to milestones cool,
From scraped up knees, to broken hearts,
From triumphs won, to doubts and fears apart,
From family gatherings, to long goodbyes,
From mother’s love, the tenderest of sighs.

I remember when you’d drive me to and fro,
To school, to practice, wherever I’d go,
The radio on, the wind in my hair,
You’d sing along, without a single care,
The smell of fresh cut grass, the sunshine bright,
The world was full, of vibrant life and light,
And in those moments, I felt so free,
A world of wonder, for me to see.

Last Goodbye

As I stand, by your quiet grave,
With tears in my eyes, a heavy heart I crave,
For one more moment, just to hold you tight,
One more chance, to say, I love you tonight,
But life has brought, its stern decree,
And held us to, the final sleep.
I think of all, the memories we shared,
And wish I could, have had more time to spare,
But I am grateful, for the time we had,
And will cherish it, until my final fade.

You may be gone, but your love remains,
In my heart, your memory sustains,
And though I’ll never, see your smiling face,
I’ll hold your love, in this hollow space.
And someday, when my time comes near,
I’ll join you, and be free from fear,
For though we parted, and you had to leave,
I know that love, eternal will retrieve.

A Lighthouse Dark

In the quiet of the night, a lighthouse dark,
I think of you, my guiding star, now out of sight.
The waves still crash upon the shore with might,
Yet, in their gentle whispers, carry your last remarks.

The Singing Bird That Silenced

The bird that graced our garden with its melody,
Has fallen silent since you took your final flight.
I search for you in the canopy, oh so high,
In every feathered visitor, in every leafy sight.

The Garden, Withered

A once blooming garden, now parched and dry,
Mirrors the heart inside this shattered shrine.
I’ve sown the seeds of hope, yet reap bitter rye,
For every petal dropped, it’s you from my arms I pry.

The Comet, Passed

A comet streaking through the heavens, bold and bright,
Left a blazing trail, engraved my mind.
Just as quick, it vanished, into the celestial night,
Took a piece of me, left sorrow intertwined.

A Letter Unsent

On the desk there lies a letter, addressed,
Yet unsealed and unread, as time has passed.
For every unfilled blank stirs up memories repressed,
In these unsaid words, I find unending rest.

The Wind’s Chant

The wind hums through the eaves, ancient and wise,
Singing tales of adventure spent and longing sighs,
In every gust, a whisper of your tender goodbyes,
Reminding me, beneath the same sky we lie.

The Forgotten Song

A song we shared, the words jumbled and vague now seem,
For every forgotten verse, unravels a dream,
With each key struck awry, unbinds an untold theme,
As if, with no audience, it never had gleamed.

The Rustling Leaves

Amongst autumn’s rustling leaves, a thousand hues unfurl,
Your memory permeates, in their ephemeral swirl,
Years pass, like seasons, in a mercurial twirl,
Through changing foliage, your everlasting aura swathed.

The Dwindling Wick

Within the familiar shadows of twilight,
The flickering candlelight reaches its last fight,
A dance of shadows and light, melancholy flight,
My beloved, till morning glimmers bright.

A Wishing Star’s Burst

A fleeting star, as dreams unleashed, forlorn so high,
Lost somewhere within the cosmos, so far and spry,
An ember extinguished, as night-sky stretches awry,
Closeness is found in our sentiments drifting nigh.

Best Popular Poems About “Poems for Deceased Mom”

A Mother’s Love by Unknown

This poem is a heartfelt tribute to a mother’s unwavering love. It explores the ways in which a mother’s love can transcend even death, providing comfort and solace to those left behind. The poem’s gentle rhythm and sentimental language make it a popular choice for those seeking to express their grief and gratitude.

When I Am Gone by Margaret Mead

In this poignant poem, Margaret Mead reflects on the legacy she will leave behind after her passing. The poem is a beautiful exploration of the bond between mother and child, and the ways in which a mother’s love can continue to nourish and guide even after she is gone.

A Mother’s Gift by Mary Rita Schilke Korzan

This poem is a celebration of the many gifts a mother leaves behind, from the tangible to the intangible. It’s a powerful exploration of the ways in which a mother’s love can shape and transform us, even in death.

The Last Goodbye by Anonymous

This poem is a raw and emotional expression of grief, capturing the pain and sorrow of losing a beloved mother. Its simple language and relatable sentiment have made it a popular choice for those struggling to come to terms with their loss.

I’ll Always Love You, Mom by Robert Rivelle Geminos

This poem is a sweet and sentimental tribute to a mother’s enduring love. Its gentle rhythm and heartfelt language make it a popular choice for those seeking to express their love and gratitude for their mother.

Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep by Mary Elizabeth Frye

This classic poem is a beautiful exploration of the cyclical nature of life and death. Its message of hope and renewal has made it a popular choice for those seeking comfort and solace in times of grief.

A Mother’s Love Lives On by Christine Trevino

This poem is a poignant tribute to the enduring power of a mother’s love. It explores the ways in which a mother’s love can continue to guide and support us, even in death.

Mom, I Will Miss You by Anonymous

This poem is a heartfelt expression of grief and loss, capturing the pain and sorrow of losing a beloved mother. Its simple language and relatable sentiment have made it a popular choice for those struggling to come to terms with their loss.

In Loving Memory by Joanna Fuchs

This poem is a beautiful tribute to a mother’s memory, capturing the essence of her love and legacy. Its gentle rhythm and sentimental language make it a popular choice for those seeking to honor and remember their mother.

My Mother Kept a Garden by Mary Elizabeth Lund

This poem is a poignant exploration of the ways in which a mother’s love can nurture and sustain us, even in death. Its beautiful language and natural imagery make it a popular choice for those seeking to celebrate their mother’s life and legacy.

The Healing Power of Poetry: Writing Poems for a Deceased Mom

Losing a mother is one of the most difficult experiences a person can go through. The pain and grief can be overwhelming, and it can be hard to find the words to express just how much she meant. This is where poetry comes in. Writing poems for a deceased mom can be a powerful way to process your emotions and honor her memory.

The Benefits of Writing Poetry

Writing poetry can have many benefits, both for your mental and emotional health. It can help you to:

* Express your feelings: Poetry allows you to put your emotions into words, which can be a huge relief.
* Remember your mom: Writing about your mom can help you to keep her memory alive.
* Connect with others: Poetry can be a way to connect with others who have experienced a similar loss.

Where to Start

If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few prompts to get you going:

* Write about a memory you have of your mom.
* Describe her personality.
* Write about how you’re feeling since she’s gone.
* Write a letter to her.
* Describe what you miss most about her.

Finding Inspiration

If you’re struggling to find inspiration, try looking to other poets for inspiration. There are many poets who have written about the loss of a mother, and their words can be a great source of comfort. You can also find inspiration in nature, music, or art.

Sharing Your Poetry

Once you’ve written your poems, you may want to share them with others. This can be a powerful way to connect with others who have experienced a similar loss. You can share your poems with friends and family, or you can share them online.

Poetry as a Form of Healing

Poetry can be a powerful form of healing. It allows you to express your emotions and remember your mom in a special way. Writing poems for a deceased mom can be a difficult but rewarding experience. It can help you to process your grief and find comfort in the memories you have of your mom.


Losing a mother is never easy, but writing poems for a deceased mom can be a helpful way to cope with the loss. It allows you to express your feelings, remember your mom, and connect with others. So don’t be afraid to pick up a pen and start writing. You may be surprised at the healing power of poetry.