Sestina Poem Generator

Sestina Poem Generator

Generate a beautiful sestina in seconds.
Please enter a topic for the sestina.
Example: The cycle of the seasons.

Introduction to Sestina Poems

A sestina is a complex and structured poem consisting of six six-line stanzas followed by a three-line envoy (tercet). Developed in 12th-century France, the sestina is renowned for its intricate pattern of word repetition, which creates a poetic puzzle for both the poet and the reader. The structure of a sestina revolves around six key words that end the lines of each stanza in a specific, predetermined order, while the envoy uses these same words within the lines.

The challenge of crafting a sestina lies in maintaining coherence and creativity while adhering to its strict form. Despite its formal constraints, sestinas allow poets to explore themes, emotions, and narratives in a profound and lyrical manner, showcasing mastery of language and poetic technique.

How to Write a Sestina Poem

Writing a sestina requires careful planning and attention to detail due to its complex structure. Here’s a detailed guide to help you craft your own sestina poem:

Choose Six Key Words (End-words):

Select six words that will end the lines of each stanza in a specific order. These words will also be used in the envoy.

Example: Love, time, heart, dream, song, night.

Structure of a Sestina:

Stanza 1: Six lines with the end-words in the following order: 1-2-3-4-5-6

Stanza 2: Six lines with the end-words in the order: 6-1-5-2-4-3

Continue this pattern for stanzas 3 to 6, alternating the end-word order according to the sestina’s specific pattern.

Envoy (Tercet): Three lines using all six end-words, typically in a specific order or arrangement.

Crafting the Poem:

Begin with a clear theme or narrative that can be explored through the repetition and variation of the end-words.

Develop each stanza to contribute to the overall progression of the poem, utilizing imagery, metaphor, and symbolism.

Word Repetition and Variation:

Use the repetition of end-words to create a sense of continuity and transformation throughout the poem.

Explore different meanings and associations of the end-words as the poem unfolds, adding depth and complexity.

Tips for Writing Sestinas:

Plan the placement of end-words carefully to ensure they fit naturally within each stanza’s context.

Experiment with different line lengths and rhythms to enhance the poem’s musicality and flow.

Revise and refine your sestina to maintain coherence while allowing for creative expression.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

Losing track of the end-word order: Keep a clear record or outline to guide the placement of end-words.

Sacrificing clarity for form: Balance poetic structure with thematic coherence to engage readers effectively.

Overcomplicating language: Use clear and evocative language to convey meaning and emotion.

Examples of Sestina Poems

Classic Example

September rain falls on the house.
In the failing light, the old grandmother
sits in the kitchen with the child
beside the Little Marvel Stove,
reading the jokes from the almanac,
laughing and talking to hide her tears.

Elizabeth Bishop (Full Poem)

Modern Example

The wind whispers stories of changing weathers,
Of summer’s kiss swallowed by winter’s breath,
Of autumn’s golden sighs that turn to icy sighs,
And spring’s sweet promise of rebirth and peace.
Within this dance of time, the air reveals
The truths of life, in which we find our place.

In quiet moments, do we find our place
When faced with nature’s ever-changing weathers?
We see the world transform, each gust unveils
A hidden beauty—a secret beneath—
A symbol of a force not ours to keep,
Yet ours to treasure like a precious heirloom.

A river’s heirloom, a never-ceasing flow,
Winds through the hills and valleys we call home,
The water’s gentle voice sings a soothing lullaby,
A testament of life in changing weathers.
Its journey is an echo of our own
As seasons’ hands reveal and cover—like veils.

Unraveling our layers of existence, these veils
Of day and night, of sun and storm, bestow
Their teachings on our hearts; the winds intone
A tale of wisdom: endings lead to new life’s birth.
As seasons change, so must our own weathers,
To match the rhythm, the pulsing beat of time.

And still, the cycles dance, the changing weathers
Bring growth to light, the veils lift to reveal
Our part in life’s grand sestina—each season’s gifts,
Our place within it all, established, not alone.
In harmony, the music of existence swells,
Resounding through eternity’s endless tones.

This music of existence flows from subtle tones
Of every wind’s refrain on changing weathers;
Each breath that stirs the soul to life, to sing, to swell
With love, with purpose found in veils’ subtle weave.
We stand amidst the seasons, none unchanging,
Together, one with time, connected, not alone.

Alone, no longer; now, in all weathers, no more veiled,
We find the strength of harmony, our place unshaken,
Embracing life, the music, birth, and death, complete; the dance unending.

Using a Sestina Poem Generator

Welcome to our Sestina Poem Generator! Here, you can explore the intricate beauty of sestina poetry and create your own sestina with ease. Our Sestina Poem Generator uses advanced algorithms to generate verses that adhere to the strict structure of sestinas, allowing you to experiment with word repetition and thematic exploration.

To create your own sestina using our generator, follow these simple steps:

Choose Six Key Words (End-Words):

Input six words that will serve as the end-words for each stanza and the envoy.

Generate the Poem:

Click the generate button to create your sestina.


Custom end-words: Select specific words to personalize your sestina and explore different themes.

Structured format: Ensure each stanza and the envoy adhere to the sestina’s specific end-word order.


Modify the generated sestina to refine the imagery or thematic development.

Save your favorite sestinas and share them with others.

Tips for Using the Generator:

Experiment with different combinations of end-words to explore a range of poetic possibilities.

Refine the generated sestina to match your artistic vision and thematic exploration.