Tanka Poem Generator

Tanka Poem Generator

Generate a beautiful tanka in seconds.
Please enter a topic for the tanka.
Example: A quiet evening by the lake.

Introduction to Tanka Poem

A tanka is a traditional Japanese poem consisting of five lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5-7-7. Evolving from ancient Japanese literature, tanka poetry is renowned for its concise yet expressive form, capturing fleeting moments, nature’s beauty, and deep emotions. Tanka poems often convey a sense of melancholy, longing, or contemplation, reflecting the impermanence of life and the beauty found in transient experiences.

The structure of a tanka allows poets to explore themes such as love, nature, and spirituality with vivid imagery and evocative language. Each line serves a specific purpose, contributing to the overall mood and theme of the poem, making tanka a versatile and poignant form of poetic expression.

How to Write a Tanka Poem

Writing a tanka involves crafting a poem that adheres to the 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern while capturing a single moment or emotion. Here’s a detailed guide to help you craft your own tanka poem:

Choose a Theme or Moment:

Select a theme, emotion, or moment that inspires your tanka poem.

Examples: Seasons changing, love blooming, solitude in nature, fleeting happiness.

Structure of a Tanka:

Line 1: 5 syllables (First line sets the scene or introduces the theme)

Line 2: 7 syllables (Expands on the theme or describes a detail)

Line 3: 5 syllables (Provides a twist, contrast, or resolution)

Line 4: 7 syllables (Develops the narrative or deepens the emotion)

Line 5: 7 syllables (Concludes with a reflection, insight, or closing thought)

Imagery and Emotion:

Use sensory details and vivid imagery to evoke emotions or paint a picture.

Explore metaphors, similes, and symbolism to enrich the poem’s meaning.

Harmony and Flow:

Maintain a harmonious flow by considering the sound and rhythm of each line.

Aim for brevity and clarity while conveying depth and emotional resonance.

Tips for Writing Tanka:

Study traditional Japanese tanka poems for inspiration and understanding of the form.

Experiment with different themes and variations of the syllable pattern to find your unique voice.

Revise and refine your tanka to enhance its poetic impact and thematic coherence.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

Breaking the syllable pattern: Ensure each line adheres to the 5-7-5-7-7 structure.

Lack of thematic focus: Maintain a clear theme or central idea throughout the tanka.

Overly abstract language: Use concrete imagery and specific details to engage readers.

Examples of Haiku Poems

Classic Examples

Although the wind blows
terribly here, the moonlight
also leaks between the roof planks
of this ruined house.

Lady Izumi Shikibu

On a withered branch
a crow has settled –
autumn evening.

Masaoka Shiki

Some Modern Examples

In the moonlight,
The color and scent of the wisteria
Seems far away.
Ah, how far away!

Amy Lowell

Reflections dance on glassy lake,

Nature whispers secrets in the dark.

Stars peek through the quilt of night.

A quiet evening, peace in every heartbeat,

Nature’s symphony plays, ending in a sigh.


Using a Tanka Poem Generator

Welcome to our Tanka Poem Generator page! Here, you can explore the elegance and emotion of tanka poetry and create your own tanka with ease. Our Tanka Poem Generator uses advanced algorithms to generate verses that adhere to the 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern, allowing you to capture fleeting moments, emotions, and reflections in a structured format. Whether you’re inspired by nature, love, or introspection, this tool is designed to ignite your creativity and guide your tanka-writing journey.

To create your own tanka using our generator, follow these simple steps:

Choose a Theme or Moment:

Input a word or phrase that represents your chosen theme or moment.

Generate the Poem:

Click the generate button to create your tanka.


Custom themes: Select from a variety of themes to personalize your tanka.

Syllable management: Ensure each line adheres to the 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern.


Modify the generated tanka to add personal insights or refine the imagery.

Save your favorite tanka poems and share them with others.

Tips for Using the Generator:

Experiment with different themes and emotional tones to explore a range of poetic expressions.

Refine the generated tanka to match your artistic vision and thematic exploration.