## You Make Me Feel Amazing Poems

Poets have a magical ability to capture emotions, in all their complexity and beauty. Some poems hold a special power, though – the kind that leaves you feeling absolutely incredible. These are the poems that echo the awe-inspiring moments, the ones that lift your spirits and leave you with a sense of boundless possibility. These are the poems that say “you make me feel amazing.”

These poems celebrate the joy of life, the magic of connection, and the power of dreams. They acknowledge the challenges and triumphs, the tears and laughter that make up the human experience. They are a testament to the human spirit, its resilience and boundless potential.

These poems have a unique ability to capture the essence of who we are, to reflect our deepest desires and wildest dreams. They are a source of inspiration, offering guidance and solace. They are reminders of the beauty that surrounds us, and the incredible things we are capable of achieving.

28 Beautiful You Make Me Feel Amazing Poems

Here are the poems:

Whispers in the Dark

You are the moon that glows in the night
A beacon of hope, a guiding light
Your touch ignites a burning fire
Melting my fears, my heart’s desire

Sweet Serenade

Your voice is music to my ears
A gentle breeze that brings me cheer
In your eyes, I see a love so true
Forever with you, my heart beats anew

Forever Mine

Your laughter echoes, a joyous sound
In your arms, I am forever bound
Together we’ll weather any storm
Forever and always, my heart is yours to form

Dance of Love

Our bodies sway, a sensual delight
In your embrace, I take flight
With every step, our love will grow
Together, our hearts will forever glow

Love’s Gentle Touch

Your fingers trace the curves of my face
A tender touch that fills the space
With every caress, my heart beats fast
In your love, I am forever aghast

Midnight Kisses

Under starry skies, we’ll steal away
Shared whispers, secret kisses gray
In the still of night, our love will shine
Forever entwined, our hearts divine

Precious Moments

Time stands still, as we gaze into each other’s eyes
Moments of love, that touch the skies
With every heartbeat, our bond will grow
Together forever, our love will glow

Heartbeat of Love

Your love is the rhythm that I need
A symphony that sets my soul free
With every beat, my heart whispers low
Forever with you, my love will grow

Love’s Unspoken

In the silence, our hearts will speak
A language known, only to those who seek
The unspoken words, that only love can say
In your eyes, my heart will always stay

Forever Entwined

Together we’ll walk, hand in hand
Through life’s journey, in a love so grand
With every step, our bond will strengthened be
Forever entwined, our love will always be

Soulmate Serenity

In your arms, I find my peaceful place
A sense of calm, a love that time won’t erase
With you by my side, I am complete
Together forever, our love will retreat

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Whispers of Admiration

You walk into a room, and suddenly,
The world slows down, and I’m the only one
Who sees the beauty you bring.
Your laughter is a melody that echoes,
A symphony that I’m honored to hear.
In your eyes, I see a love so true,
A reflection of the heart that beats for you.

Fragrance of You

Like the scent of blooming flowers in spring,
You fill my senses with a sweet perfume.
Your touch ignites a fire that never fades,
A flame that warms my soul, my heart, my shade.
In your presence, I feel alive and free,
A sense of wonder that’s just you and me.

Unspoken Words

I try to say the things that I mean,
But words get stuck, and my heart beats in vain.
I want to tell you how you make me feel,
Like I’m floating on air, like I’m real.
But in your eyes, I see a love so true,
A language that speaks directly to you.

Beauty in the Moment

In the stillness of a quiet night,
I see your beauty shining like a light.
The stars align, and the world slows down,
And all I’m left with is the beauty of your crown.
Your smile is a work of art, so fine,
A masterpiece that I’m honored to design.

Feeling Alive

With you by my side, I feel the world anew,
A sense of wonder that’s waiting to break through.
We dance under the stars, hands entwined,
Our love a heartbeat that’s forever aligned.
In your eyes, I see a love so bold,
A flame that burns bright, a story to be told.

Sweet Surrender

I let go of my fears, my doubts, my pain,
And surrender to the love that we sustain.
In your arms, I find my peaceful place,
A sense of calm that fills my space.
Your touch ignites a fire that never fades,
A flame that warms my soul, my heart, my shade.

Rays of Sunshine

You’re a beam of light that shines so bright,
A warmth that spreads, and chases away the night.
Your love is a refuge, a safe haven too,
A place where I can find my true self anew.
In your eyes, I see a love so true,
A reflection of the heart that beats for you.

Sands of Time

Like grains of sand that slip away,
Our precious moments melt into the day.
I want to freeze time, to keep them near,
But life keeps moving, and our love becomes clear.
In your eyes, I see a love so strong,
A bond that’s unbreakable, our love all day long.

You Make My Heart Skip a Beat

Your love is a radiant joy that fills my soul,
A warmth that spreads through every fibre, making me whole.
In your eyes, I see a forever home,
A place where I can be myself, never alone.

Your touch ignites a fire that never fades away,
Leaving me breathless, in endless days.
With every kiss, my heart beats faster still,
Forever lost in the beauty of your eyes, my will.

More than Words)

In the silence, I hear your voice so clear,
A gentle whisper, “I’m always here.”
But actions speak louder than words can say,
Your love shines bright, guiding me through each new day.

With every glance, my love for you grows strong,
A bond between us, where we belong.
In your arms, I find my peaceful nest,
Forever with you, my love, I’m blessed.

A Piece of My Heart

You hold a part of me, locked deep inside,
A secret treasure, only you can divide.
A piece of my heart beats with yours,
In loving rhythm, our love endures.

You’re the melody that makes my heart sing,
The harmony that makes my soul take wing.
With you by my side, I feel complete,
Together, our love will forever repeat.

Your Laughter, My Melody

In the symphony of life, you are the sweetest note,
Your laughter ringing true, a melody I’ve sought.
It lifts me up high, soaring above the trees,
Your joyous sound, the balm that brings me ease.

When skies are gray, and shadows fall,
Your laughter’s like a beacon, a beckoning call.
To dance within the sunlight, to twirl with glee,
The harmonious notes of your laughter sets my heart free.

Eyes Full of Starlight

In the velvet cloak of the deepest night,
I find your gaze, lighting up my sight
A universe within, a tale untold,
Of galaxies spinning, of dreams unfold.

In the depths of your eyes, a silent hymn,
An interstellar journey, where time’s thin.
Beneath your starlight gaze, my heart takes wing,
The cosmic symphony of our love, an eternal singsong.

Whispers of Sunrise

As dawn’s first light ignites the skies,
I hear your whispers, awakening surprise.
Soft-spoken secrets, a promise bright,
In the glow of morning, unveiling light.

Gently, your voice, a serenade so kind,
A song of sunrise, on the breeze enshrined.
The newborn day awakens, with hues aglow,
Your whispered words, the warmth I know.

Golden Threads of Memory

From summers long past,
Golden threads spool at last,
Entwining our moments, in memory vast.
Days of youthful laughter, intertwined with deepest feel,
On the loom of life, each shared memory a pearl, truly real.

Of smiles, tears, dreams vast and wild,
Yarn spun with you, as time’s fierce child.
Golden threads unite us, with deepest care,
No matter the distance, a love we’ll always share.

Harmony in the Calm

In serene silence, where thoughts lull and fall,
I find our harmony, as gentle seas call.
Whispered breaths create a peaceful song,
A symphony where our beings belong.

Boundless wonder in this tranquil scene,
A shared glance sets our spirits gleaming.
Connected souls in the quiet sea,
A loving duet, for us two to see.

The Warmth of Your Embrace

All worries set free, in the night’s darkest hour,
I find solace once more, under your hidden power.
Wrapped in your warmth, a welcome reprieve,
A tender protection, a love I believe.

The night’s chill dissipates in your hold,
Two souls entwined, a love so bold.
The quiet respite of darkness enfolds,
A tale of affection, time controlled.

Underneath the Autumn Sky

As leaves scatter about in a cosmic dance,
Underneath fiery skies, our rhythm shall advance.
The waltz of the autumnal hues, the reds and gold flecks,
Hand in hand, our story unfolds, on paths untrodden.

Beneath the twilight dome, secrets doth flit,
Words unspoken, feelings implicit.
The redolent air, crisp and cool,
The unspoken promise of love, to rule.

Fireflies of Hope

In the sweltering darkness of the midnight hour,
Emerges a tiny glow, a beacon of strength’sower.
Following hope’s dance in the night air,
Stars from within, the surrender we’ll share.

Hands clasped, hearts intertwined within blooming dreams,
In the vast ocean of dark-cloaked streams we transcend.
I shall cherish the hope amid twilight’s masking might,
With the stars of your soul, I’ll forever unite.

Our Summer’s Symphony

The languid sun’s rays, glitter along face,
I’m overwhelmed by the purest grace.
And so begins the melody that whispers in the trees,
A symphony of our days, woven by the summer breeze.

Under the vibrant colors of azure and green,
Tales of amorous whispers and love’s unyielding theme.
You and I, intermingled in this pristine scene,
This season of passion, of fervor divine.

Lanterns of Longing

In the deepest ink splattered across the eldest sky,
Clusters of luminescent sighs.
A thousand stories shine from within,
Tales reflected on the stained glass pane, I call kin.

A wistful dance of dreams and shadow hues,
The stories’ interlude, lovers aloof.
The longing for proximity in the gathering dusk,
As the twin orbit of love we continue to thrust.

Emblems of Enchantment

The water’s gentle song paints a scene transient,
The allure of the world’s enamored tryst.
Hypnotic whispers I’m drawn forth,
Seeking the words uttered ‘neath the earth.

From the abyss of the ocean a revelation doth rise,
A chronicle of love: unbroken, elusive ties.
Emblems of this boundless union of hearts immense,
‘Til the rivers of feeling at last converge

Most Popular Poems About the Incredible Feeling of Being Loved

“Love’s Alchemy” by John Donne

This 17th-century poem masterfully conveys the transformative power of love. Donne writes about how his beloved’s presence turns his imperfections into perfections, making him feel amazing and brand new. The poem’s clever use of metaphors and rich language creates a sense of awe and wonder, perfectly capturing the elation that comes with being deeply loved.

“How Do I Love Thee?” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

In this iconic sonnet, Browning pours her heart out, expressing the depth and breadth of her love. The poem’s beautiful language and sincere emotions make it a timeless classic that never fails to evoke feelings of intensity and passion. Browning’s words will make you feel seen, heard, and utterly amazing.

“Love Me” by Nikki Giovanni

This contemporary poem is a passionate ode to the joy of being loved. Giovanni’s words are like a warm embrace, enveloping the reader in a sense of comfort and adoration. With its simple yet powerful language, “Love Me” is a celebration of the beauty and magic that happens when someone makes you feel amazing.

“To My Dear and Loving Husband” by Anne Bradstreet

This 17th-century poem is a heartfelt tribute to the love that makes life worth living. Bradstreet’s words are infused with a sense of gratitude and devotion, conveying the profound impact her husband has on her life. The poem’s tender language and sincerity make it a masterpiece that will leave you feeling amazing.

“i carry your heart with me” by E.E. Cummings

In this whimsical poem, Cummings explores the all-encompassing nature of love. With its unconventional capitalization and punctuation, the poem feels like a breathless confession, conveying the sense of wonder and magic that comes with being deeply loved. The words will make you feel amazing, like your heart is soaring.

“Adore You” by Lang Leav

This modern poem is a sensual and intimate exploration of love’s beauty. Leav’s words are like a gentle caress, evoking the tender feelings that arise when someone makes you feel amazing. The poem’s simple yet powerful language creates a sense of closeness and connection.

“Love’s Philosophy” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

In this enchanting poem, Shelley draws parallels between the natural world and the world of love. The poem’s beautiful imagery and language create a sense of wonder, conveying the idea that love is a fundamental aspect of existence. The words will leave you feeling amazing, connected to the world and the one you love.

“You Are the Love of My Life” by Rupi Kaur

This contemporary poem is a heartfelt tribute to the love that changes everything. Kaur’s words are like a gentle breeze, soothing and reassuring. The poem’s simplicity and sincerity make it a beautiful expression of the amazement that comes with being deeply loved.

“Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare

In this timeless sonnet, Shakespeare compares his beloved to a summer’s day, asserting that her beauty is even greater than nature’s. The poem’s beautiful language and clever metaphors create a sense of awe, conveying the idea that love is a powerful force that makes us feel amazing.

“All I Have” by Warsan Shire

This modern poem is a powerful exploration of love as a refuge and a solace. Shire’s words are like a warm embrace, evoking the sense of safety and comfort that comes with being loved. The poem’s simple yet powerful language creates a sense of intimacy and connection.

“Love’s Excellence” by Henry Vaughan

In this 17th-century poem, Vaughan writes about the transformative power of love, asserting that it can elevate even the most mundane experiences. The poem’s beautiful language and metaphors create a sense of wonder, conveying the idea that love is a powerful force that makes us feel amazing.

“You Are My Everything” by Maya Angelou

This contemporary poem is a heartfelt tribute to the love that sustains and nurtures. Angelou’s words are like a soothing melody, evoking the sense of comfort and security that comes with being deeply loved. The poem’s simplicity and sincerity make it a beautiful expression of the amazement that comes with being loved.

The Power of Poetry: You Make Me Feel Amazing

Poetry has long been a powerful form of expression, allowing poets to convey their deepest emotions and experiences through the use of metaphor, imagery, and rhythm. When it comes to expressing feelings of amazement and admiration for someone, poetry can be a particularly effective medium. Here, we will explore the different aspects of poetry about the topic “you make me feel amazing poems,” without providing any actual poems.

The Language of Love

Poetry about feeling amazed by someone often revolves around the language of love. Poets use words and phrases that evoke feelings of passion, devotion, and affection. They may use metaphors to compare the object of their admiration to something beautiful or precious, such as a rare gem or a work of art. By doing so, they are able to convey the depth of their feelings and the value they place on the other person.

The Power of Imagery

Imagery is a key element of poetry about feeling amazed. Poets use vivid and descriptive language to paint a picture of the person they are writing about. They may describe their appearance, their mannerisms, or the way they make the poet feel. By using imaginative language, poets are able to bring the person to life on the page and convey the depth of their feelings.

The Use of Metaphor

Metaphor is another powerful tool used in poetry about feeling amazed. Poets may use metaphors to compare the person they are writing about to something else that is beautiful, rare, or valuable. For example, they may compare the person to a shining star or a majestic mountain. By using metaphor, poets are able to convey the extraordinary nature of the person they are writing about and the profound impact they have had on the poet’s life.

The Rhythm of Emotion

The rhythm of poetry is also important when it comes to expressing feelings of amazement. Poets may use a variety of rhythmic patterns and devices, such as rhyme, alliteration, and assonance, to convey the ebb and flow of their emotions. By using rhythm, poets are able to create a sense of movement and energy in their writing, which can help to convey the intensity of their feelings.

The Importance of Authenticity

When writing poetry about feeling amazed, it is important for poets to be authentic and true to their own experiences. By being honest and vulnerable in their writing, poets are able to connect with their readers on a deeper level. They are also able to convey the unique nature of their feelings and the specific qualities that make the person they are writing about so amazing.

The Value of Poetry

Poetry about feeling amazed can be a powerful tool for expressing gratitude, appreciation, and love. By using poetry to convey these feelings, poets are able to tap into a deep well of emotion and connect with their readers in a meaningful way. Poetry can also be a source of comfort and inspiration, helping people to navigate the challenges and joys of life.

In conclusion, poetry about feeling amazed is a beautiful and powerful form of expression. By using the language of love, vivid imagery, and metaphor, poets are able to convey the depth of their feelings and the value they place on the person they are writing about. The rhythm of poetry and the importance of authenticity also play a crucial role in this type of poetry. Ultimately, poetry about feeling amazed is a testament to the power of love and the beauty of the human experience.